Official: Saddam to be executed tonight

so does being a bad speller automatically make me a bad psycho-analyzer?
Newsflash, fanatic Islamic fundamentalist go apeshit when they murder westerners and drag their bodies through the streets, stomping on their skulls and tearing meat from bone on streetcorners. Stringing up their flayed and burned bodies from a bridge and dancing and screaming. They love that shit. You know why? Because the people reading them the Koran tell them to not have sex, listen to music, or watch tv, or drink. Then they tell them if they kill westerners they can have all these things when they die. Yippee! They just love this shit. Second part of your statement is true though.

In regards to the first and last things you said, just lol. I typed up a whole rebuttal but then I realized that my new years resolution is to let people go on running their mouth while I scoff from a safe distance.

I believe and obey.