Official: Saddam to be executed tonight

News for you: it was arranged it in such way that made US look not responsible to the people who don’t really know what was going on.

Side note: CNN actually broadcasted some people celebrating Saddam’s death (Shiites again), which seems a little strange to me because as I know Koran (which is stricter than any other religion book) teaches not to be happy about someone’s misfortune. It’s just one more example of nonsense carried out in the name of religion by people who have no idea what they are fighting for, not relizing they are being used.

Side note 2: Saddam was a bad leader but there are more then one bad leaders in the world but noone cares (no oil = no democracy?)

Newsflash, fanatic Islamic fundamentalist go apeshit when they murder westerners and drag their bodies through the streets, stomping on their skulls and tearing meat from bone on streetcorners. Stringing up their flayed and burned bodies from a bridge and dancing and screaming. They love that shit. You know why? Because the people reading them the Koran tell them to not have sex, listen to music, or watch tv, or drink. Then they tell them if they kill westerners they can have all these things when they die. Yippee! They just love this shit. Second part of your statement is true though.

In regards to the first and last things you said, just lol. I typed up a whole rebuttal but then I realized that my new years resolution is to let people go on running their mouth while I scoff from a safe distance.
but bush, doesn't like the idea of ANY country in the world thinking for themselves and being sovreign inside their own borders.....

You like the idea of letting Iran's president do what he wants just because he's a leader of a 'democratic' nation?

Say goodbye to Israel then. Hell if your that supportive of his liberties you might as well skip to just digging graves for all the zionists he wants to kill.

Set your goal for 10 million graves. That's how much casualties the most recent Fatwa said is deemed to be 'acceptable' from the use of one nuclear weapon.

I'd start digging.
News for you: it was arranged it in such way that made US look not responsible to the people who don’t really know what was going on.

Side note: CNN actually broadcasted some people celebrating Saddam’s death (Shiites again), which seems a little strange to me because as I know Koran (which is stricter than any other religion book) teaches not to be happy about someone’s misfortune. It’s just one more example of nonsense carried out in the name of religion by people who have no idea what they are fighting for, not relizing they are being used.

Side note 2: Saddam was a bad leader but there are more then one bad leaders in the world but noone cares (no oil = no democracy?)

Will you marry me?
no no, what a country does inside their borders wihtout bothering others is ok. IT is ok to develop nuclear energy for electricity. and for nukes being the devil's advocate, who developed the first nukes and used them?
and i'm not being an anti-semite here, but israel has done a lot of bad things in the last half of the 20th century and the US always backed up their asses. and the iranian leader knows he will be fucked if he develops nukes, he has an example (who didn't even attempt developing nukes) next door. If they would allow him to enrich uranium with UN inspection 24/7 they would control him and it would way less likely for him to develop nukes, but use nuclear electriciy. and come on, my home land, romania has 2 nuclear powerplants working, does that mean we are going to nuke the hungarians or bulgarians, or develop nukes? come on
Newsflash, fanatic Islamic fundamentalist go apeshit when they murder westerners and drag their bodies through the streets, stomping on their skulls and tearing meat from bone on streetcorners. Stringing up their flayed and burned bodies from a bridge and dancing and screaming. They love that shit. You know why? Because the people reading them the Koran tell them to not have sex, listen to music, or watch tv, or drink. Then they tell them if they kill westerners they can have all these things when they die. Yippee! They just love this shit. Second part of your statement is true though.

I'm well aware of all that and I don't think that contradicts my statement at all. I was talking about the contents of Koran itself and not about higher religious powers and what they choose to read and to leave out or make up.
As I said this people are used and they are used by the religion organization leaders and by western polititions.
News for you: it was arranged it in such way that made US look not responsible to the people who don’t really know what was going on.
Exactly. "But it was the people of Iraq that sentenced him!" Come on!

Side note 2: Saddam was a bad leader but there are more then one bad leaders in the world but noone cares (no oil = no democracy?)
M-hm. Not to spark another debate (although the neocons on this board will scream bloody murder), but why is it that Khadafi is still in the saddle? Kim Jong-Il? They're both extreme bastards, and far more dangerous than Saddam (because say what you will, Saddam was a sandbox dictator), yet they can still go about their merry ways. Odd, isn't it?

I don't mean to insult Americans, but I am saying you need to think instead of shouting "Don't mess with America" like I heard some of your people shout on the News. This is a dirty war, simple as that. There's nothing wrong with being patriotic, but patriotism also means thinking for yourself and realizing when your leaders are double-crossing you.
News for you: it was arranged it in such way that made US look not responsible to the people who don’t really know what was going on.

Side note: CNN actually broadcasted some people celebrating Saddam’s death (Shiites again), which seems a little strange to me because as I know Koran (which is stricter than any other religion book) teaches not to be happy about someone’s misfortune. It’s just one more example of nonsense carried out in the name of religion by people who have no idea what they are fighting for, not relizing they are being used.

Side note 2: Saddam was a bad leader but there are more then one bad leaders in the world but noone cares (no oil = no democracy?)
You cannot put the whole responsibility on the US. Saddam broke Iraqi laws. He was tried and convicted by an Iraqi court. It is completely regardless whether or not the US was responsible.

The vast majority of the terrorists are all controlled by their corrupted leaders. Either their religious leaders or the leaders of their organizations. The Qu'oran does let Christians and Jews live in the Muslim countries. The only thing they don't allow is making their religions and houses of worship more pronounced than the Islamic ones. So they don't have a religious justification to kill over religious differences.
Many of them also go out drinking and meeting up with "professional women" before they fulfill their so called mission.

The US had a way to get into Iraq. It's not as if you could just invade any country just because the leader is terrible.
I'm well aware of all that and I don't think that contradicts my statement at all. I was talking about the contents of Koran itself and not about higher religious powers and what they choose to read and to leave out or make up.
As I said this people are used and they are used by the religion organization leaders and by western polititions.

Islam is largely a religion of use and government anyway. I suppose in regards to your original statement you are right in a way, the Koran is a very strict text. It strictly states that non-muslims should only be killed if they refuse to convert to Islam.

I'm just shocked that anyone could be shocked that muslims would act this way when Jihad is a respected tenet of Islam and the Koran is strict in it's intolerance of all faiths and lifestyle choices.

I don't know how they're being used by western politicians though. I really don't see it.
...besides, if it WERE a U.S. led system he'd be in the system for YEARS and he get out due to the wrong color of toilet paper being issued to his cell, the Koran would be defiled during a cell search or something equally stupid.
The whole thing was a destiny of retarded shit in one of the worst cultures ever. Just listen to the civilized process of the hanging. Sounds like F'n 5 year olds at a Pinyata B-day party. Uga Buga...Ooga Juuga...grunt;snort...
If it weren't for the oil they'd be sticking fingers in their butts and smelling them, just like monkeys at the zoo. The middle east should be a "world designated PARK". No one lives there, just visit.

As far as invading and exploiting the thick books with maps!
The U.S. is just one of the latest to pull this stuff. History has shown:
land-food-resources-pussy and shiny things attract countries to trick and expand.

-I hate giving an opinion on religion and that region, but since I've been there and it's a boring Sunday,,, F it!
I still very much disagree with the United States' roll in the world's nuclear situations. I understand that since the USA happens to be the strongest (deteriorating) nation, they believe that no one can stop them. The UN has been headed by the USA in previous situations, as well as let the USA go ahead without their approval on Iraq.

I say let other countries' problems be their own, and if it becomes a global issue, let the UN take care of it.

The USA should learn from their neutrals, and worry about their own borders and people.
I still very much disagree with the United States' roll in the world's nuclear situations. I understand that since the USA happens to be the strongest (deteriorating) nation, they believe that no one can stop them. The UN has been headed by the USA in previous situations, as well as let the USA go ahead without their approval on Iraq.

I say let other countries' problems be their own, and if it becomes a global issue, let the UN take care of it.

The USA should learn from their neutrals, and worry about their own borders and people.

Greatest bit of wisdom I've heard this year!
But, there is a stopping factor; and we know it. Everyone is just scrambling to get what they can before it's gone.
I still very much disagree with the United States' roll in the world's nuclear situations. I understand that since the USA happens to be the strongest (deteriorating) nation, they believe that no one can stop them. The UN has been headed by the USA in previous situations, as well as let the USA go ahead without their approval on Iraq.

I say let other countries' problems be their own, and if it becomes a global issue, let the UN take care of it.

The USA should learn from their neutrals, and worry about their own borders and people.

Why anyone would continue to think the U.N. is effective is beyond me.

Besides, the U.S. contributes over 75% of the total funding of the U.N. Think about it. That's all aid and operations as well. All U.S. dollars. So, I think the U.S. has a substantial say in what goes on. I mean, when was the last time you bought 75% of something and had nothing to say about what was done with it?
Why anyone would continue to think the U.N. is effective is beyond me.

Besides, the U.S. contributes over 75% of the total funding of the U.N. Think about it. That's all aid and operations as well. All U.S. dollars. So, I think the U.S. has a substantial say in what goes on. I mean, when was the last time you bought 75% of something and had nothing to say about what was done with it?

I'm aware of this, but its the hidden agenda that I disagree with. The USA's need to have everyone see everything their way.

Intervention in property that does not belong to you is wrong, until it starts to affect someone who asks for the help. Such situations have and are happening. The intervention that shouldn't be happening is the USA's involvement in nations that don't want their help. USA trying to spread "democracy" where it won't work.

Reminds me of something the catholics do.
Every video that exists of this is exactly the same. There was a ton of media coverage actually at the gallows. All the news stations show him up to the point where the noose is placed around his neck. So im waiting for the coverage by one of those cameras to be leaked out.
You like the idea of letting Iran's president do what he wants just because he's a leader of a 'democratic' nation?

Say goodbye to Israel then. Hell if your that supportive of his liberties you might as well skip to just digging graves for all the zionists he wants to kill.

Set your goal for 10 million graves. That's how much casualties the most recent Fatwa said is deemed to be 'acceptable' from the use of one nuclear weapon.

I'd start digging.

Silly, Alarmist propaganda. 10 million graves, huh. That's a lot of boxcutters.
Silly, Alarmist propaganda. 10 million graves, huh. That's a lot of boxcutters.

If you think that they wouldn't actually nuke Israel (or America) if they could, then you're a fucking idiot.

If you think they're that far away from actually being able to acquire nuclear weapons than you're also an idiot.

Please, take me to your dreamworld where humanity is good and pure at heart and massive tragedy is impossible.

In all seriousness though, they talk the talk all the time, and they do what they can to destroy westerners. Are you really so naive that you believe they wouldn't do it if they could?

You call it 'silly alarmism', I call it being a realist. If someone says "I'm going to kill you" I treat it as a real threat, especially when that person has killed for less reason in the past.