It's here


Warrior type
Apr 29, 2005
Worcester, UK
I finally found my fan club pack in the letter rack! Thanks guys and shadow raven for putting them all together!

I'm sure I'd have noticed sooner if it didn't turn up the same day as a package that took most of my attention :D
Ah ha...another mysterious package from the East! Look forward to hearing your thoughts

Our pleasure dude regarding the FC pack, although the credit really should be Shadow Raven's as she is the one burning the midnight oil for us. What a legend!
Talking of packages from the east:


That is to taunt all those who haven't imported, and have to wait until 4th July!
£20 saved eh.... but you have to wait 2 months for the item! So that's only £2.50 a week! Or even just 35 pence a day! You can find that behind your sofa.... every day... for two months... bah.

Magic Never Dies is great :p
Actually, it's 38 days till release now and by that logic you're looking at £2.85 a week, or 52p a day, which is not "couch treaure, that is moving into the realms of "whoring yourself" :lol:
Will send you a review as soon as I get back from holiday in the states where I'll be bending the ear of anyone who'll listen about what bands SHOULD have heard and will be played to by me, damnit! PQ will naturally be included there, haha. See you in a week :D
rorymcinerney said:
Will send you a review as soon as I get back from holiday in the states where I'll be bending the ear of anyone who'll listen about what bands SHOULD have heard and will be played to by me, damnit! PQ will naturally be included there, haha. See you in a week :D

Have a good holiday dude...I'll probably be back from Sweden round about the same time.
I'm seriously contemplating getting the Japanese version of MND. But if I do, I still have to wait until June 22nd, because that's when Timeless Miracle's debut album is released in Japan, and since shipping costs more than the actual records, there's no way I'm buying less than two CDs at once. Still, I'm gonna have a hard time waiting even that long for my PQ fix.