Been listening for abut a half hour now. I'm sorry, but it's kinda funny hearing a guy with a deep Southern accent that knows his metal well. MAtter of fact, he needs to come here and have a metal show...or have someone here syndicate it.
A commercial was on just a few minutes ago advertising new arrivals at a local Cd store there. The guy pronounced "Children of Bodom" as "Children of Bottum" and "Marduk" as "Mardook" (or maybe that's the way it' really pronounced and I pronounced it wrong!) but "Children of Bottum" made me giggle!
its thursday already ?!?! I saw this thread bumped and was about to say, "isn't it only tuesday ??" ha ! oh my how my weeks pass so strangely when I don't work .....
i think I'm more surprised that it really is thursday, but it does make more sense now if I think about it.. because lets see, because i know i didn't go to a foo fighters concert on monday, that was yesterday, which as far as I know was tuesday, so if anything today is wednesday!! but i'll go with the thursday since my clocks and calendars are way more accurate than I am
oh i was thinking there was another time zone you were in, the elusive MOUNTAIN TIME zone was what i was thinking of, I have no idea what i thought you were in! ha!