It's strange that Antimatter toured the U.S.

Surely the band has sold very few records there, far fewer than the Cavanaughs, who've only played one or two shows there?
Was there a positive response, or were you booed and heckled by death metallers?
"Fuck this fag shit! Cannibal CORPSE!!!!!!!!" Cue folding of arms and swilling of Budweiser. One head to his nearest neighbour: "Hey dude, did you get the new Vomited Anus? Fucking SICK! Who the fuck is this band on stage?"

That's what I would envision an Antimatter gig stateside to be like.

I think the band is reyt swell, mind.
Yeah theres a rule stating you must sell X amount of copies before you can play in the magic United States. When we filled in the forms to apply for the Good Enough For USA visa, we just added a few noughts onto our sales statement from 22 copies to 22000. It did the trick and everyone just assumed we were qualified to play there.