ITT: You post your merch hauls from Heathen Crusade

Dark Forest CD was good.....saw them live.....suddenly the CD sounds great. :tickled: (I'm really loving that "Journey to Ever Eternal Skies" song since it was a highlight of the fest).

Re: the HC1 DVD, it's very good. For $15 you're getting 2 discs, and close up shots of the bands performing. Plus the music of course has come right off the soundboard and is synch'd up perfectly with the bands playing.

Moonsorrow, Primordial, and Thyrfing all have 4 songs. Novembers Doom and The Chasm get 2 songs, and all the rest get 1 song.

FYI, another DVD has been made for HC2 and from what I understand, it will feature backstage crap like band interviews etc.

Rudra were filming too, particularly all the after hours stuff at the hotel, signings and wot not, so maybe that shit will see the light of day soon....or the HC guys will ask if they can include it in the HC2 DVD, which makes a lot of sense to me at least.
Dark Forest really need to turn their synths/keys down in the mix. There are times, like during "Under the Northern Fullmoon", where it begins to sound like Europe's "The Final Countdown".

If you're gonna use keyboards in BM then bury them as deep as possible.