Ivan Is Married!!!!!! *gasp*

Originally posted by BARBARIAN

Who found out this page and how?!?!?!?!?!

I found it...somehow :D

But as we see, as usual, we've lost the scope here :)
Anyway, my suggestion is 9 male Kozaks for the squad, and 6 female Kozaks for the cheerleaders. :p
Originally posted by tcall
The only Kozak I know is a bit of a girl :heh:

Yes but the Kozak you know seems to want to conquer the world with his future offspring! :p

oh! What is gonna happen if the bb that we gonna be there in the future is full of little Kozaks? :eek: :lol:


Who did we chain?
Where did we chain?
When was the chain broken?
Why will it be broken again?
What the hell is this chain anyway?
and so on...