I've come to the conclusion that...


fuck ftagn
Oct 27, 2003
The Red Tower
Children of Bodom is like pancakes...at first you like them, but after a while, they just don't satisfy you anymore.

I don't know...Alexi Laiho is getting on my nerves
something wicked and hatebreeder are classic. follow the reaper is pretty good and hate crew deathroll is fucking terrible. i still listen to the first 3 albums from time to time. especially hatebreeder.
You should post this on the CoB board. :lol:

It would cause a huge fit.

But anyway CoB are my favorite band. I don't know why. Just something about them, they do something for my music sense no band has ever done. But I love music alot and they are not the only band I headbang to. But I can understand why some people don't like them.

Also as far as talent goes, I don't play any instruments so I have no clue exactly how CoB measures up on the technically good scale, but I just like their sound and thats all that matters.

My best advice take a break from CoB and listen to Nevermore. :D
CoB rocks, I don't know why so many people don't like Hate Crew Deathroll. In Quebec they're getting fucking popular for a metal band.
AsModEe said:
CoB rocks, I don't know why so many people don't like Hate Crew Deathroll. In Quebec they're getting fucking popular for a metal band.

Yeah me either HCDR is a great metal album. I also think Follow the Reaper is their best and a lot better than Hatebreeder. I don't see what the big fuss is over Bodom fans and Hatebreeder, its my least favorite of all their work. Don't get me wrong I love that album but I think their other stuff is so much better ecspecially Follow the Reaper and Something Wild.
I like them...sort of.

If I just listen to Follow the reaper (imo their best album), it's all ok. If I put on their other stuff though, it bores the absolute shit out of me.

In general, I think they are too one sided of a band. Every song has keyboard stuff, solos, almost the same type of song structures and it goes on and on for each cd they put out. Plus, I don't really see them maturing at all with each record.
I mean, yeah CoB are good and talented and everything...but I don't know...there's just something about them

*contemplating adding syrup*
Bodom are total ownage. I can't get tired of them. Hate Crew is probably thier best work, But I like Hatebreeder the most, I think with each album, they progress and get better. Alexi's vox are way much better.

And why do you guys dislike Hatebreeder? Silent Night-Bodom Night, Downfall, Children of Bodom, Bed Of Razors, Warheart...some of their best work to date. Can't wait to see three of my favorite bands in 18 days!