I've come to the conclusion that...

Jesterace said:
Bodom are total ownage. I can't get tired of them. Hate Crew is probably thier best work, But I like Hatebreeder the most, I think with each album, they progress and get better. Alexi's vox are way much better.

And why do you guys dislike Hatebreeder? Silent Night-Bodom Night, Downfall, Children of Bodom, Bed Of Razors, Warheart...some of their best work to date. Can't wait to see three of my favorite bands in 18 days!

...funny how the songs you quoted aren't the ones I like most... But I agree though, Hatebreeder is a very good album! The vocals get on my nerves as they are too meow-metal for my taste but it's still a very solid piece of music!

My stand-outs are: Black Widow, Warhearts, Hatebreeder
unknown said:
Children of Bodom is like pancakes...at first you like them, but after a while, they just don't satisfy you anymore.

I don't know...Alexi Laiho is getting on my nerves

hah! agreed!
they are so overratted in my opinion, and they just sucked on the dimmu/nevermore tour.
Overrated?!?! Well I guess it's your opinion, and I'll respect that. But who can do a crazy lick or a fast as fuck solo like Alexi, the guy is probably one of the best uprising guitarists of our time.

Now I know people who dont play a instrument will be like, "Oh that's nothing", but I play guitar and bass, and his riffs are very fucking hard to play. I think Finland has so much talent to offer; Kalmah, Norther, Finntroll, Sentenced, Farmakon etc....
And it's not just the guitar, but the keyboardist is mighty impressive too. Same goes with the rest of the band. Just give them some more listens.
Jesterace said:
And it's not just the guitar, but the keyboardist is mighty impressive too. Same goes with the rest of the band. Just give them some more listens.

As far as Alexi's talent goes... it IS indeed impressive but when it comes to the rest of the band ... It took about three albums for the drum to become interesting... I'm sorry to be so harsh but on something wild and Hatebreeder, the drums were plain and boring! The bass makes laughable attempts at technicallity but is drowned in it's own overdrive...

Alexi's guit is impressive YES ... the keyboards... even if I'm not so found of keyboards, I have to admitt that this guy shreds! But the rhythmic section of CoB is pretty boring... HOWEVER... I have to admitt that they DO get the job done!

Yes, CoB is a good band that did a couple of good albums ... I don't think they'll stay popular for much longer though... They were lucky to put albums out when their breed of metal was in trend... Melodeath 's phase is slowly passing now...
yes, Alexi Laiho is an impressive guitar player...though many of his stuff kind of sounds the same

that also goes for the songs...they all sound pretty similar (the ones I've heard...stuff off HCDR and Hatebreeder)
Pyrus said:
Indeed it is...just like labels destroyed NWOBHM, glam, thrash, and rap-metal, they're destroying melodeath. Not that I mind that much. ;)

Exactly... Metal is a style of music that has so many sub-cathegories...

Maybe a lot of people here aren't into metal since long enough to remember but EVERY brand of metal suffers from overcrowdment... if that's even a word!

In 85-86, NWOBHM got to a point where the scene was so overcrowded that the fans lost interrest in the music and went away... Thrash metal suffered the same fate around 92-93...

The death metal scene also kinda exploded in it's own face as the american death metal scene went from underground to worldwide domination... that happened around 95-96 I think...

On a more recent note, Power metal is loosing popularity as we speak because too many swords have salyed too many dragons and there is just no more steel to fight for!!

The giants of each respective style are still here today... NWOBHM still has Maiden, thrash still has Testament and Exodus... Power Metal can still count on Helloween... Death metal will survive as long as Cannibal Corpse and Morbid Angel will be around...

Melodeath will die ...YES ... but it will have pioneers to perpetuate it, just as any other breed of metal! My bet is that CoB is one of those giants... Bands like Skyfire, Kalmah and Throne of Chaos will die ...

However, on a more positive note, those phases in metal are coming and going in a random cycle... Just look at the quality of Thrash Metal today ... Look at the quality of musicianship death metal bands have reached... That's something to look up to!
hey i like thrash too Reub so :p on you...
anyway...Alexi's guitar playing is indeed impressive for his age..the boy is my age for crying out loud, but hes not like this awesome-overthetop player...hes good but come on! Bodom fans blow him way out of porportion.....
Larf03 said:
Bands like Skyfire, Kalmah and Throne of Chaos will die ...
skyfire and kalmah are better than the rest of those bands you mentioned. kalmah are slipping though. i hope their 4th doesnt blow as bad as hcdr.