I've Cum To Thank You All


Feb 2, 2002
I received an Anthrax NFMB Hoodie today!!
It looks great!! Thank you fellow message boarders/street teamers for buying me this. You didn't have to do that!:worship:
I love yous guys.
I didn't actually jizz. It's just I was so stoked when I received the hoodie, that it's what was on my mind when I posted this thread.

Thanks again everyone. I really appreciate it!
Man I'm disappointed I thought you would have shot a wad to end all wads over a centerfold or something :lol:

Glad you got the hoodie.
Yeah, I'm saving up my wad for this Friday night......
"That's when I'll hit paydirt." - Armored Saint
mentalmeltdown said:
Eewwww.... You shouldn't have cum for us all.

I could insert a hooded monk joke here but I refrain from doing so.

Yer, stick to writing it as 'come' , the other way just put very disturbing images in one's head :loco: