I've decided to do solo hikes.

to me, theres a presence or something felt when walking alone in nature that is unrivaled by any religious experience i've been subjected to over the course of my life. don't know what that means, but i do know i'd love to not live in a big city some day so hiking, camping etc would be easier.
Solo hikes are so fucking good for your ecopsychology it's not even funny. Cheers man... if I ever make it out your way we should definitely go off into the Wilderness.
I love solo hikes, long bike rides out some of the more remote areas are awesome too, i sometimes do combos. I'll ride out the logging roads out into a remote area, stash my bike under some bushes and go hike up the mountain or up a river.

Nature > all.
I'm off for a short solo hike through the local woodlands tomorrow :hotjump:

Anyone else who's done any since these posts or is planning to? How about you Erik? The swedish FJELDS are practically next doors from where you live