I've never been so fucking tired.


Stunt Plough Rider
Oct 15, 2001
Lithgow, Oz
Connor broke his arm (rgiht arm, radius and ulna), reulting in a dislocated elbow last Sunday.

Fixed in town Monday, then didn't look right (it wasn't), casualty again Tuesday, at 4PM told we had an appointment at Westmead at 6PM (Tues). We made it.

X-ray at 7PM, General anaesthetic 8PM, Back in ward around 10PM. we both stayed the night. Kerry's Dad followed us down and brought Rhiannon home and babysat for what turned out to be a while.

Right before discharge, the doctor (really freakin' good, we were really impressed with the team) thought another X-ray would be in order to see if the partially fused bones (it was 3 days, and kids can completely heal a bone in a week) had played the game (they hadn't).

So back under at 3PM, and out at 4PM.

5PM, I left for home (to relieve Grandad and my girl), 7:20 this morning head back, pick up Connor and Kerry.

We are both truly brain dead at present...never could imagine the mental intnesity of the last few days
everyone's home, which is a good thing.

Connor's been pain free for about 16 hours (nurse asked this morning where it hurt...he pointed at the canular), and is back playing with his toys.

Hope it all ends up well.

Haupi, yep it is...there's a shit load of good stuff as well
Bloody kids *shakes fist*

I have been in that boat before myself mate, not that badly though, just the really late night/long hospital stays. How'd the young bloke break his arm?
Dude, thats intense, hair pulling stuff. As you say, at the end of the day its all worth it for the joy they bring you.

Hope you get some good sleeps soon. I just moved house and my little fella has taken to waking at the crack of dawn when the sun spills thru his window. The night is getting on now so I'll continue to be short of sleep also;)
fell of the slide/play gym out the back. Similar on concept/size to this

Danallica, he's 19 months old.
Still trying to climb up on everything in the house 'though.
Priest of Evil said:
Dude, thats intense, hair pulling stuff. As you say, at the end of the day its all worth it for the joy they bring you.

Hope you get some good sleeps soon. I just moved house and my little fella has taken to waking at the crack of dawn when the sun spills thru his window. The night is getting on now so I'll continue to be short of sleep also;)

Jazynthe has been waking up between 4:45 and 5:30 since we moved house.
She used to wake between 6:30 and 7.
The last two weeks has been real bad as she has had gastro and won't leave my side or arms without screaming.
JonBonJovi said:
Jazynthe has been waking up between 4:45 and 5:30 since we moved house.
She used to wake between 6:30 and 7.
The last two weeks has been real bad as she has had gastro and won't leave my side or arms without screaming.
Wow, thats...umm.... HORRIBLE!! My commiserations. 5 to 6 six this morning for phelgm filled son.

Shannow my little boy is only a month or 2 behind yours but we dont have a slippery dip in the back yard, however we do have a park at the the end of the street.
Careful of the parks, I caught Rhiannon about to take a 5 foot leap at one of them.

Back down to Westmead today for more glow in the dark activity.

All looks good today...cast off in three weeks...world back to normal soon by the looks of it..
Shit...times up.
He had the cast removed today. Quack who assessed him reckons that arm has healed really well (within 10 minutes he was playing toys with his arm again, and has what appears to be a full range of movement of his arm (albeit with a few clicks as he's lost some condition).

Here's a pic we took on the weekend. (plus the offending object)
