
Japanese pop. after all these favorite death metal, favorite black metal, favorite food metal threads; i was wondering if anyone just takes it easy on the ears once in a while and listens to this stuff. favorites?

aya matsura
malize mizer
L'arc en ciel
Dir en grey
ayumi hamasaki
Nobou Uematsu's work on the final fantasy's

During the end of febuary I went to Megacon ( big gathering of nerds who talk about warcraft, comics and screwing asian girls) and saw psycho le cemu. They were awesome live.

for those who dont so much about it, heres a nice song. enjoy. http://home.comcast.net/~codec1/ayumi_hamasaki_-_depend_on_you.asx
I like the older J-Pop stuff like from Amuro Namie and Utada Hikaru.
I wanted to go to megacon to see Psycho so bad but didnt get too owell. Id say X-Japan is easilly my favorite vk band. I used to big into Dir en Grey but I havent much cared for their newer stuff Gauze era was better, when they didnt use the drop-d sound which Im not a fan of but yeah I listen to alot of vk bands and some jpop.
StriderX said:
I wanted to go to megacon to see Psycho so bad but didnt get too owell. Id say X-Japan is easilly my favorite vk band. I used to big into Dir en Grey but I havent much cared for their newer stuff Gauze era was better, when they didnt use the drop-d sound which Im not a fan of but yeah I listen to alot of vk bands and some jpop.

dont feel too bad about megacon. Lots of cool stuff to buy, but the prices are jacked up. also you had to pay the comic artists in the benjamins for them to draw you a little friggin doodle. Psycho le Cemu is alright, but i woudnt pay the money i had to pay to see them again.