Hello everybody, it's the first time I post here! Been following the forum for a while, I really learnt a lot reading your posts!
So, I am buying an Axe Fx Ultra, and I was looking for a guitar to play some metal with it and do pretty much everything: practice, record, play live.
So I found this Jackson Dinky LT Professional for 400 €. It should be of the first 90s, but i couldn't find anything on the web about this specific model. Anyone of you knows anything? It has Reflex pickups, but I would probably change them with a SD distortion (bridge) and don't know what for the others.
Just don't know how it could be and if it is worth the price. Or what could I buy used for that price?
So, I am buying an Axe Fx Ultra, and I was looking for a guitar to play some metal with it and do pretty much everything: practice, record, play live.
So I found this Jackson Dinky LT Professional for 400 €. It should be of the first 90s, but i couldn't find anything on the web about this specific model. Anyone of you knows anything? It has Reflex pickups, but I would probably change them with a SD distortion (bridge) and don't know what for the others.
Just don't know how it could be and if it is worth the price. Or what could I buy used for that price?