jag panzer in english class

in senior AP english, we are doing projects on shakespeare's play MACBETH. to my surprise, for their presentation, several preppy girls brought in and played jag panzer's "thane to the throne".

first i was like: :guh:
then i was: :)

i am still shocked.

all the goodygoods and the teacher were like "i don't like that music, it has no beat." :lol: :lol: :lol:

it was a funny, and strange, moment. i just couldn't believe that i wasn't the one to bring it in and they were. . . :guh:

and this other guy was like "yeah, i have that cd too!" metal must have a true, unpercieved underground. . .
I agree, BWD, it's crazy how many people are closet metalheads or at least are into a few decent bands, eh?

I fucking despise people who say metal has no beat. I wanna ask them: Why the fuck do you think we headbang, BITCH? There's no way your body can move that fast. Now go cry in the corner, that's right...nobody likes you

Here's the ultimate in cool though: Bringing in Maiden's Alexander the Great into World History class. We actually listened to it. I still can't believe it actually took place. Coolest moment of freshman year, by far. I brought my teacher 7S of a 7S and he dug that, too. Pretty cool guy for a Mormon. Bwa ha ha! He's goin to HELL, now!!!!!
Oh yeah, here's a recipe for laughter, though I have long since forsaken "popularity": Anthrax's Milk. Gotta have the Bzzzzz, it's great sharing metal with hapless fake music fan-victims.
Preps and metal,eh?:guh:
That reminds me of one time on math class when,at the end of the mod,no one had anything to do and all of the ppl near me started reading the band names I had written on my binder.Some of their comments severly disturbed me.One girl,Anna,who's into Mariah Carey,Nelly and that shit,read the name TOOL and said "Tool,oh yeah,I like a few of their songs." Then this whigger named Kyle read the name Metallica and said "Yeah,you like Metallica?I like that one song of theirs..."*hums random made up notes to get amused laughter from the other whiggers*
reminds me of the time we read Dante's Inferno for World Literature class.
Guess what song i brought in?

IT was funny 'cause after i was done playing it, this one EXTREMELY hot chick, also preppy and popular, said "Hey i really liked that, can i come over and listen to some more sometime?"
Now you can guess what happened :D
you tried to talk to her after that about it and she always seemed to be "busy". a few weeks passed and she pretty much stopped talking to you, yet you persisted in asking her about it. you brought all your iced earth CDs to class in hope of catching her affection once again. needless to say, she was apathetic, remarking that "all these riffs sound THE SAME!". a few months more of pathetic begging, then came the restraining order. but you did not lat that stop you, did you? after a while it got so bad that she finally exclaimed "leave me alone you scary metal guy!" and moved to another town. you haven't seen or heard from her since. so you retire every day after school and masturbated, thinking of her and your one day of "accomplishment", and with a sigh blowing your load onto her imaginary stomach, wondering "where did i go wrong?"

so....... i guess we CAN guess what happened. :D
I played Dante's Inferno too, for my 12th grade Humanities class around the time we were reading the poem. It was a thing where every friday we could play a song for the class to hear.. if I would've listened to everything i listen to now back then, theres so much good stuff I could've played, but anyway...

The class stopped paying attention shortly after it started, and they all started talking amongst themselves, so our teacher just got up and started talking about what we were going to do in class, while the music was playing on. A minute or so later she realized she couldnt talk over the music so she just shut it off :mad: :mad:

I was really hoping at least someone would've commented about the song...
Originally posted by Chromatose
The class stopped paying attention shortly after it started, and they all started talking amongst themselves, so our teacher just got up and started talking about what we were going to do in class, while the music was playing on. A minute or so later she realized she couldnt talk over the music so she just shut it off :mad: :mad:

People are so fucking ignorant. Can't even keep their god damned mouths shut for a song(mind you a long one, even though they talked shortly after the start) that has something to do with class. Probably just because its "scary" and "noisy" metal with no beat and random strings are hit because the musicians creating it have no talent and are just selly metal guys who like to barf into microphones.....:rolleyes: Blissful in their ignorance the world is.
For my senior english presentation a few years ago, i played Cynic's Textures.

Everyone kept saying "They can't play very well, it doesn't flow at all". Dumbasses.

I was also playing Atheist - Elements in my car months ago, and i picked up my brother from the train station, and he was like "This music doesn't flow very well, i mean, i'm sure it's "Brilliant" with all your genres and stuff, but they aren't very good musicians".

FUcking hell, i should have driven right into a tree, right then and there.

Well, actually... i DID drive into a tree right then and there.

"For my senior english presentation a few years ago, i played Cynic's Textures.

Everyone kept saying "They can't play very well, it doesn't flow at all". Dumbasses."

I actually did laugh out loud.
The world seriously needs a good beating over the head. THey can't play very well? What? Are you people even listening to the music?! Sheesh!

yah, well. People are ignorant. My brother is the worst

"They aren't very good musicians"

Fucking hell, he listens to ben harper and the Red Hot Chilli Peppers. HELLA shredders those guys :lol:
HAHAHA.... what will people think of next. But, yes I do agree in the closet metalhead mantra. My roommate kept telling me about this plainly dressed girl who was an Art major and loved to paint to Children of Bodom. I had the same reaction.