James Hetfield Interview.

Be thankful it's not Lars!:lol:

Put this up for whomever may still be interested in the band.hehe
Actually there's some good stuff here. Enjoy:

METALLICA frontman James Hetfield was interviewed by Nikki Blakk of San Francisco's 107.7 The Bone radio station backstage before the band's December 20, 2008 show at the Oracle Arena in Oakland, California. Watch the chat in four parts below.

METALLICA has issued a new nine-minute video for the song "All Nightmare Long" from its latest album, "Death Magnetic". The clip, which premiered at Metallica.com, is a weird and creepy mix of animation and what is made to resemble old stock footage. It tells an alternate history story of mutant spores discovered by the Soviet Union and used as a biological weapon to turn U.S. citizens into zombies during the Cold War. The band performed the song itself live for the first time on December 5 in Calgary, Alberta, Canada.

James Hetfield told Sun Media that the lyrical content of "All Nightmare Long" was "an attempt to get back to the H.P. Lovecraft mythos" which Hetfield referenced on the band's classic 1986 track "The Thing That Should Not Be".





Thanks to Blabbermouth.net for all the info.:headbang:
Aww Fuck i love Metallica! :headbang:
Thx Dave this was an awesome thread u started! hehe :)

Haha Yeah that asshole Lars Ulrich..I dont like him even though his danish but his an hell of an drummer though so he is forgiven..but i hate him in their biography movie i just wanted to punch that guy right in the face, he was really a fuck up..haha
Hetfield though is such an cool guy and he does play guitar like no one else does, upwards strokes not downwards..haha..Thats really cool! :)
How the fuck did he make himself look ten years younger, he must of dyed his hair and beard
I think he looks like he always has. he is light haird and has light beard haha..hmm it can be some kind of powder shit in his face bec they are filming him..or the time has been kind to him..Nhaa he looks like he always has i think. :)


Aww i remember u can look here..maybe its just the haircut haha ;)
Be thankful it's not Lars!:lol:

Put this up for whomever may still be interested in the band.hehe
Actually there's some good stuff here. Enjoy:

METALLICA frontman James Hetfield was interviewed by Nikki Blakk of San Francisco's 107.7 The Bone radio station backstage before the band's December 20, 2008 show at the Oracle Arena in Oakland, California. Watch the chat in four parts below.

METALLICA has issued a new nine-minute video for the song "All Nightmare Long" from its latest album, "Death Magnetic". The clip, which premiered at Metallica.com, is a weird and creepy mix of animation and what is made to resemble old stock footage. It tells an alternate history story of mutant spores discovered by the Soviet Union and used as a biological weapon to turn U.S. citizens into zombies during the Cold War. The band performed the song itself live for the first time on December 5 in Calgary, Alberta, Canada.

James Hetfield told Sun Media that the lyrical content of "All Nightmare Long" was "an attempt to get back to the H.P. Lovecraft mythos" which Hetfield referenced on the band's classic 1986 track "The Thing That Should Not Be".





Thanks to Blabbermouth.net for all the info.:headbang:

When i saw that nine-minute video for the song "All Nightmare Long" from its latest album, "Death Magnetic" I thought about things they really do for real..clone animals and such shit stuff when i saw that one..
Yeah thats really weird and creepy..dead ppl and animals turns into zombies bec of humans are fuckin with sience stuff.
I am not though fan of that Video but it was intresting to watch anyways.
Metallica has made better things than that. :)
And the Death magnethic album mostley is "left over" riffs from St Anger and i liked that album but not heaps overexelerated over it but it rocks anyways some of the songs on it.
I am not so hot on Death Magnetic album.
When it was released here in Sweden i sat and waited for it to come out at my work the songs on the web before it was in the stores over here..I got a little bit dissapointed when i at last got to hear some samples from the album. It felt metallica but back to the 80´s stuff, i thought it was not a big bang..not an album i got overexelerated as i was with Black album and still are.
And the rewievs on them was not so good eighter and i can agree on one thing there the sound on that album is not what it has been as before..Now the sound was not excellent only halfdone.
I liked St Anger but fuck it is not the best album they have made. The best album they ever have made is the Black album and thats it! hehe..never get tired of it and i never will.
I hope i will get to see them this coming summer when they gets over here to Europe! That would be awesome! hehe :headbang:
I think as a real fan you owe them an honest opinion, if they are releasing crap, then you got to stop supporting it. By all means, talk about the old stuff, the stuff that you like, but they've changed and they'll never get it back. They aren't the people they were. They might still be just as childish and what not, but they've got cash now and I think that changes people.
Nathan i like some of the new stuff also but not eveything they have done. But they sound still like Metallica so i dont complain on them so much if u thought that. :)
It would be like they have changed so much so they dont are Metallica anymore then i had stoped listning on them like i have done with GnR..This last record Axl made was not at all like Appetite for destruction it does not even sound metal and it not the same axl in the songs and the sound is more poplike it sucked heaps..I liked the old GnR not the new.
And fuck the guy has dreads! hahaaaaaaaaaa let me laugh! Fuck that!!

Would Metallica do such stuff i had done the same thing as i did with the chinese democracy album..thrown it in the garbagebin and not listned on it ever again! Thats it. haha:lol:
No i am not comparing them eighter i just took an example of how bad things can be when a band change their stuff totally and then no wonder the fans turns their backs away bec it was not that they heard from the beginning so they went liking them. It can be devestating to change totally.

I WOULD NEVER COMPARE THOSE TWO! That would be an sin! FUK! haha:lol:

Its like YUK! :puke:

I Love Metallica u know Dave.. :)
Red dreads just don't do it for me either.
Good thing i wash my hair evry day!:lol:

Please let's not start comparing METALLICA to GNR. That would just open so many cans of worms.:erk:

Haha fuck dreads totally thats not even metal! Yeah if u listen on Bob Marley and such shit! haha But not a metal guy then u are fucked! haha
..Hmm u in dreads!?! haha:lol: THAT would look hilarious on you! hahaaa :lol:
Yeah but for me that is an Old school Metaller dont think dreads are for Metalheads sorry! haha
For me it is associated with reagge ppl..you know Rasta shit and stuff.:lol:
Pantene? Do you mean the schampoo?!? haha
Hmm dreads dont u get just out of stop washing your hair its when u stop comb it u get dreads eventually. haha
And i think its YUK not washing your hair..Me thinks how fucking clean are u over rest of your body then?!? haha If u get what i mean! lol haha
Thax again Nathan for that info of yours and now it was about your pubic hair this time! U are very informative of u! :lol: ..Soon everyone knows everything about you AND YOUR body! haha :lol:

Fuck dude u can really keep this forum very intresting..But u have missed one thing..hmm Dave have put an thread just for you were u can post your funny stuff and information about you and your things u do..hmm ;).. :lol:
Wasn´t it so Dave!?!..I do remember i read it somewere just for a little while ago in some of the post threads u wrote that the thread should be dedicated for Mother Eel so he can write there..haha :lol:

*just teasing u friendly now Nate*

:lol: :kickass: