James is back from New York!!!

ms. anthrope

back off, mofo...
Feb 12, 2002
s.f. bay area
He just finished mixing and mastering the band Single Bullet Theory's upcoming debut release on Crash, Inc./Pavement Records called "Route 666."

SBT and their label have made a press release and the following is an excerpt:

Philadelphia's Single Bullet Theory have completed the new cd entitled "Route 666." The cd is over 45 minutes of nonstop, in your face sonic brutality mixed with intelligent melody and memorable hooks. The disc was partially tracked and totally mixed by none other then James Murphy (Testament, Death, Disincarnate) at a secluded studio in Northern New York. "It was an absolute honor to work with someone as talented as James." States Guitarist / Vocalist Matt Difabio. "The guy has been influencing me as a player since the time I picked up the guitar and to know that he was a crucial part of our new cd is incredible."

The record balances deep textured guitar work mixed in with some harshly aggressive vocals making the cds harder edge about as abrasive as 10 grit sandpaper while songs like "Abduction" showcase clean, whispered versus deftly weaving a sonic tapestry of multiple sound scapes.

Welcome back, James!