James Murphy just broke his finger

sucks dude!! if its any consolation i recently sliced the top of my index finger on my picking down to the nerve. And was out of action for a couple a weeks.
I definitely empathize with you James. Having had my left index finger crushed almost a year ago today. I still don't have full motion in my fret hand but the swelling is still going down and I'm optimistic. It sucks to sit and look at your rig laying in the corner not getting any use. Speedy recovery!

P.S. one hand typing is very frustrating indeed!
yeah, it's crap... i can pull off a few key commands with that hand.... that's it.

james.. all you need with that hand is, r,t, z,x, and c for now... anything else will be a little tricky!
Ouch. Sorry to hear that, good luck with the repair process...

(I guess this is the perfect time to see if your nose is hard enough for the average session, isn't it?)

Oh damn..this looks unconfortable. Hope you get better soon!! I have sympathy for that, cause I know how it hurts, not being able to play the beloved instrument! I wish you a good recovery, James!