James Rivera Joins...

"Vocalist James Rivera (HELSTAR, SEVEN WITCHES) has reportedly joined KILLING MACHINE, the new band featuring German guitarist and founding member Peter Scheithauer (STREAM, played with KISS drummer Eric Singer), San Diego-based drummer Jon Dette (ex-SLAYER, TESTAMENT) and bassist David Ellefson (F5, ex-MEGADETH). The band, whose sound is being described as "a JUDAS PRIEST/SLAYER combo," are said to have several great marketing opportunities lined up, with the group's mascot (a cyborg-like, machine gun toting creature) set to be plastered on various forms of merchandise that will be widely marketed in stores such as Hot Topic, plus a comic book based around the lyrical concepts and even a video game. A record deal is currently in the works. However, one performance has already been scheduled: Friday, June 17 at a benefit festival in Ft. Myers, FL. No further information is available at this time."

Hmmm, hehe, so the band is going to be built around milking a mascot!? Ha! Lets just hope the music is good.

EDIT: James Riv is in too many bands. Just concentrate on putting out the new Helstar!
I wonder if they'll have a Killing Machine Kasket to compete with the Kiss Kasket.