James Rivera leaves Vicious Rumors...


Borne on Wings of Steel
Aug 3, 2003
...after a fight with Thorpe.

[url=http://www.bravewords.com/news/76912]bravewords.com[/url] said:
VICIOUS RUMORS - James Rivera Out After Bottle Fight With Geoff Thorpe!
Posted on Saturday, November 03, 2007 at 13:05:36 EST

Living up to their name, San Francisco metallers VICIOUS RUMORS have sadly disintegrated again, after an ugly on-tour fracas which saw former lead singer James Rivera (HELSTAR/ex-SEVEN WITCHES) and guitarist/founder Geoff Thorpe come to blows. The incident quickly escalated with Rivera being hit in the head with an empty bottle. Needless to say, this ends his involvement with the band. He's currently at home, awaiting the release of reworked Helstar classics, Sins Of The Past (AFM), preparing for April's appearance at Germany's Keep It True festival and mulling over his next venture.

James leaving was kinda expected (keeping in mind the revolving door history of both parties involved) but I wouldn't have thought it would be this violent.

Warball was good but will Thorpe keep the band going after this? Will he even have a band after this?
This sucks...:erk:
I never thought that Rivera was a good fit for the band.

But I am shocked to hear of Geoff Thorpe's behavior. How unprofessional!
If you don't want to work with someone you fire him. Simple.

Emotions? Sure, we all have them. But when the anger is growing you
stop it by creating a distance between yourself and the people that
annoy you.

I wonder how structural this problem is.
I've actually never heard Vicious Rumors, I really should track down their first couple and the one with James on it. Besides this news, I've heard good things about those albums.
Check out asap "Digital Dictator" and "Welcome to the Ball". These are the best for me, along with their debut "Soldiers of the Night", which features Vinnie Moore.
James has released an official statement.

Veteran heavy metal vocalist James Rivera (HELSTAR, SEVEN WITCHES, FLOTSAM AND JETSAM) has confirmed his departure from VICIOUS RUMORS, the long-running San Francisco Bay Area metal band he joined in September 2005.

In a statement released to BLABBERMOUTH.NET earlier today, Rivera said about his decision to leave the group, "A public announcement should have been made sooner, but I tried keeping my business to myself. Unfortunately, it isn't working and the more people are finding out the truth of what happened, the more they say you should let the world know what kind of [people Geoff Thorpe (VR guitarist) and Larry Howe (VR drummer)] are!

"It just sickens me to see that Geoff and Larry are going about everything like nothing has happened, just as they always do, living in complete denial!!!! Thaen [Rasmussen; ANVIL CHORUS, BLACK SUN], the other guitar player, and I are GONE and VR is over forever!!!

"Sadly our tour of Europe ended VERY drastically — it ended with Geoff hitting me with a beer bottle on my forehead on the last night of the tour, after he got knocked into place. He provoked a physical confrontation with me, I defended myself and he couldn't handle the defeat like a man, so when I was not looking and my guard was down explaining to the tour manager what had just happened, that is when he grabbed a beer bottle, struck me with it and said 'There you go bitch!! How about that!!!' Geoff is supposed to be handicapped, or a person of special needs. However, handicapped people don't start physical fights, nor do they walk all over Europe in KISS boots in a drunken stupor!!

"The blow to my forehead from the bottle he hit me with had gotten so bad, AFM Records, the new record label HELSTAR is signed to, insisted on taking me to the hospital because the swelling of my forehead and face in general had gotten worse and both of my eyes had turned completely purple from internal bleeding.

"After the tour, I had to go to Hamburg, Germany, for an additional week to do press interviews for HELSTAR at AFM Records' office, for those wondering where AFM came into this whole thing. Now I'm home and doing better and ready to move on.

"So my days with VR are over and just think, I was going to get them a record deal with AFM as well.

"Family, friends, myself and the rest of the HELSTAR guys are just devastated over this. I did so much for those guys [VICIOUS RUMORS] when they were here and finally got to tour Texas again after 20 years. Not to mention the Atarfe Rock festival in Spain, the tour with BEYOND FEAR, and all the U.S. dates I got them outside of the Bay Area. There were so many things I brought to the table for them. I have gotten e-mails from just about all the promoters and even the president of the record company we were previously signed to, Mascot Records (which dropped VR), wanting to know if I am okay.

"Now you know the truth before you hear any lies from their end, which is what they are good at."
What makes it sad to me is that everyone involved are seasoned veteran musicians. I have only talked to James once on the phone and he seemed like a cool guy. I would hope that people could resolve things like civilized people.
Which was worse this or the Leatherwolf situation?!
It's pretty damn close isn't it?!

More akin to the 3"oB and Saxon happenning. In anycase is sad to see people in bands lose their porfessionalism and forget that behind the music there's a BUSINESS to be taken care of. You don't see people being fired at puch point from a standard company, what makes a band different?
The response from Vicious Rumors contains nothing about the incident!

"VICIOUS RUMORS would like to thank all the fans and friends who supported the band over the last year on the 'World War Tour'. We had a great time with everyone at all the shows in the USA, Europe and Japan. As the 'Warball' tour ends the band is now in pre-production for a new studio CD to be released next year.

"Even though the band has gone through many changes over the years, VR has maintained a solid force in U.S. power metal over the last 25 years. VR has already written several new songs for the new CD to follow up 'Warball'.

"Due to artistic differences, singer James Rivera is no longer in VR. James was let go after the European tour in September 2007. Recently James Rivera has issued a statement saying VR was broken up after his departure with a list of other personal problems. We understand that HELSTAR is his true love and passion and wish them all the best.

"VR moves forward to next year with a new CD and a new lineup. After 25 years, 12 CDs and countless tours in no way has VICIOUS RUMORS split up. You can't kill rock n roll.

"Look for VR on tour with a new CD in 2008."