James' Work on Universal Culture Shock

Jan 19, 2005
Man, havent you guys heard his work on the Universal Culture Shock album? I think its his best work ever, even better than spiritual healing and the best of any lead guitarist ive ever heard, and everyone who likes anything james has done will be blown clean off their seats after hearing this cd. And james, if you read this, can you tell what it was like working with Deron Miller? Hes my number 1 hero! :cool:


cKy Fan
UniversalGenesisShock said:
Man, havent you guys heard his work on the Universal Culture Shock album? I think its his best work ever, even better than spiritual healing and the best of any lead guitarist ive ever heard, and everyone who likes anything james has done will be blown clean off their seats after hearing this cd. And james, if you read this, can you tell what it was like working with Deron Miller? Hes my number 1 hero! :cool: Cheers,-Adham cKy Fan
thanks for the kind words... anyone who wants to check out Universal Culture Shock after reading Adham's sparkling review can pick up a copy at Amazon.com.

Deron is a fun guy to hang with.. i just hung out with him and his little brother Aaron down at the Rainbow on the Sunset strip and then we shopped for records at Ameoba Music down the road a few miles... those guys always keep me laughing the whole time we're hanging out.:tickled:
Hahaha! very cool James! On your solos to get that harmonized sounding tone, kind of like that james murphy "signature" sound" ilke at the beginning of the killing spree solo, which is killer :tickled: , are you playing harmonies , or just playing the same notes on different octaves and overlapping them? Those solos were so wicked!!! too hot for the ears! :hotjump:
Universal Culture Shock... my god, what can I say!? They say nothing is perfect, but I really cannot think of a better word.

I'd been listening to the demos to the songs for a few years thinking that that is what they would always remain, rough demos left to gather dust as cKy took over. When it was finally announced that they were working on Universal Culture Shock I didn't have much hope... as much as I wanted to hear it, I just thought it'd sound weird after listening to the old versions of the songs for so long. Then it's announced that vocals AND solos will be added... I was hopeful, but still I doubted I'd like it - I'm not a big fan of change.

However..... It blew me away and still continues to with every listen.

Deron's vocals are amazing, Jess proved what a damn good drummer he is (he holds back a lot in cKy... I think Foreign Objects allows him to let loose a little more?) and the solos, god damnit I thought I would hate them... I'll be honest, I bloody hate solos usually, they have a tendency to be really cheesy... be these fit the music like nothing else.

James, should you read this... thankyou, you bought something to this album that I think only you could do. I love it.

Oh and Adham, good to see another cKy fan around here :)
UniversalGenesisShock said:
Hahaha! very cool James! On your solos to get that harmonized sounding tone, kind of like that james murphy "signature" sound" ilke at the beginning of the killing spree solo, which is killer :tickled: , are you playing harmonies , or just playing the same notes on different octaves and overlapping them? Those solos were so wicked!!! too hot for the ears! :hotjump:

hey, thanks! i do different harmonies and octaves throughout.. i always play them myself, no machines. thanks again for the kind words!
Clairejamin said:
and the solos, god damnit I thought I would hate them... I'll be honest, I bloody hate solos usually, they have a tendency to be really cheesy... be these fit the music like nothing else. James, should you read this... thankyou, you bought something to this album that I think only you could do. I love it.
wow, thanks for the killer endorsement of my work on UCS... very much appreciated.. and doubly happy that those cool songs finally get to be heard on a wider basis!
James Murphy said:
hey, thanks! i do different harmonies and octaves throughout.. i always play them myself, no machines. thanks again for the kind words!

can you kind of explain james? ive been dying to learn how to play the UCS solos, can you give some pointers on what scales you use and what parallels you are playing in the harmonies and stuff? Its impossible to tell, because ive never seen anyone play like that, youre one of a kind, and modest as hell even though you could probably rip anyone to shreds on the guitar,im very grateful you're still with us!!!! :wave:

oh, and hello to you too Clairejamin!
UniversalGenesisShock said:
can you kind of explain james? ive been dying to learn how to play the UCS solos, can you give some pointers on what scales you use and what parallels you are playing in the harmonies and stuff?

i don't have it broken down on paper on a solo by solo basis, and i can't remember each one off the top of my head, but i almost never use parallel harmonies. i tend to use diatonic harmony.
ah, we'll have to try and put those solos on paper one day................ then i can learn them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and i cant stop listening to death symbolic for the past week, what a great album!!!! do you dig that one any james, even though you weren't on it haha.

Cheers James and to all! :kickass:
hey whats up, I've never posted on here before, but read here a lot...
Anyways, a few collegues and I are in the process of creating a cky/fo and all the other bands the guys have been in tab site....The idea is to have the most accurate tabs around, and hopefully get the ok's by Deron over on his message board....
Anyway, heres a beta tab for the Test it Out solo, and I was wondering if you could look it over, and see if it's remotly close...To get an idea of what it sounds like go to the site in my sig and listen to the midi file of test it out, which contains the solo...Anyway, here it is...
I had to put the link to the word file because it gets all messed up when I post it, even with the code....

Test it Out solo word document

make sure you
right click>save target as

Thanks to James, and anyone else who decides to leave imput..
Justin, i just downloaded the Test it Out solo, and it was great. Have you or any of the ones working on the tab site tabbed the Universal Culture Shock solo? I'm working on it right now, but some of the parts are quite difficult.

If james reads this i've just got to say that i am a big fan of guitar solos and
your solos on UCS are truly original and unique. Definitely your best work since Spiritual Healing. damn, i love it!