JAN DUKES DE GREY - Mice and Rats in the Loft

Dick Sirloin

please... stay safe
Jan 6, 2004

Thanks to IoftheStorm and Chromatose for introducing me to this wonderful album! It fits my tastes nicely. I don't really know how to categorize it: pagan psychadelic folk maybe? I've listened to it about 3 times now. The best track, by far, is the 19 minute long "Sun Symphonica", where a hippy trees and sunshine vibe quickly grows sinister and, by the end, we're at some sort of pagan dance. Maybe this song is the rock version of Stravinsky's "Rite of Spring", it's certainly intense enough. I listened to it at the gym today, haha. The only bad part about it is the fuckin harmonica, which comes in toward the end... entirely superfluous. Otherwise fantastic. Were these guys actually pagans? Track 2, "The Call of the Wild" is definitely a step down... but it's still pretty awesome. I love how these guys use mostly folk instruments (guitar, violin, cello, flute, etc) and brasses, but still have a schizophrenic heaviness. That guitar cadenza in the middle = amazing. The title track makes me see where the Comus comparisons come in, the lyrics are dark as hell.

All in all an excellent album, I will be spinning this many more times. Definitely check it out if you are a fan of any of the following bands: Comus, Jethro Tull, King Crimson, Iron Butterfly.
Pagan psychedelic folk is definitely what I consider it, at least the track Sun Symphonica. The style causes me to envision the likes of the climax of the Wicker Man, pagan freakouts, and very Comus-esque. Upbeat and folky, but that overbearing shadow of something dark and sinister. Whereas the second track I think prog-folk, while the title track has mostly a psych influence, but still has that sinister edge. That's why I think of it as such a classic album, and does not get dated at all, the variety of styles keeps things interesting and although only 3 tracks (long tracks), there's a plethora of new things to hear on every listen.

I just wish the album came with lyrics, or that even I could find them anywhere.
This just in: "Sun Symphonica" is a Top 10 Song of All Sirloin Time Contender. Absolutely doesn't grow stale... fuckin BRILLIANT, better than anything Comus has ever done (and that's saying a lot)! Doomcifer, are you listening????

Now: where the FVCK can I find the lyrics? Chromie, are they in the booklet? I can understand the vocalist pretty well, but there are a couple parts toward the end of SS where I have no clue what he's saying. "Kangaroos beneath your feet"??? :confused:
I dunno. Other than some gay prog metal, his tastes are pretty superb

Theeyyyy took her out to the guillotine...
and theyyy... they cut off her prettywhite prettywhite prettywhite prettywhiiiiite heaadddd...
Please please please please listen to the whole thing! It wins supreme

I should re-title this thread DOOMCIFER YOU FAGGOT GET IN HERE, no?
Dick Sirloin said:
Now: where the FVCK can I find the lyrics? Chromie, are they in the booklet? I can understand the vocalist pretty well, but there are a couple parts toward the end of SS where I have no clue what he's saying. "Kangaroos beneath your feet"??? :confused:

not in the booklet :/ HUGE LETDOWN, let me tell you

and so I googled the hell out of them at one time, what I could piece together in Sun Symphonica, and NOTHING

genius song, yeah.. I need those lyrics