Jane Fonda refuses to appear on The O'Reilly Factor

Oblivious Maximus

I am the worm
Nov 5, 2003
Serving time in the middle of nowhere
Because she says O'Reilly is "way too rude". I find it odd that she can cozy up to the North Vietnamese during the Viatnam war, but she is affraid of O'Reilly. We all know the real reason she dosen't want to appear on the Factor, she knows O'Reilly will crush her. "He's way too rude!" What an excuse. Ho Chee Min wasn't rude?
It's because she's an ignorant whore!!! And a traitor:yuk: :erk: :ill:

Cryptkeeper said:
Because she says O'Reilly is "way too rude". I find it odd that she can cozy up to the North Vietnamese during the Viatnam war, but she is affraid of O'Reilly. We all know the real reason she dosen't want to appear on the Factor, she knows O'Reilly will crush her. "He's way too rude!" What an excuse. Ho Chee Min wasn't rude?
Bah, I hate both of them. O'Reilly is pretty much a dick he doesn't let people finish what they are saying and if you don't feel the same way as he does he just acts like an ass and immediately cuts you off. Fonda is also a douchebag
MyHatredforYouRunsDeep said:
Bah, I hate both of them. O'Reilly is pretty much a dick he doesn't let people finish what they are saying and if you don't feel the same way as he does he just acts like an ass and immediately cuts you off. Fonda is also a douchebag

i think if he took the time to listen and debate more he would be taken more seriously. On another note: Fuck that commie pinko bitch Fonda she should be dragged out of here house and lynched in the street by the Vietnam Vets. Fuck her!!!!
I was watching the Factor tonight and right wing radio host Laura Ingrahm accused O'Reilly of siding with the left! That's a surprise, seeing as the liberal media frequently accuses O'Reilly and Fox News of being right wing. And Billy, right on about Fonda!
Fucking traitor, benedict arnold,shitty actress,aerobic tape selling,dirty hippie , gook fucking piece of fucking shit. I'll tell you what people in this country have a real short memorie when it comes to people like her. I guess everyone forgot about her banging the enemy in Nam. She probably made a 100 movies and whatever the fuck since then.She should have been hung for treason. No instead she is a millionaire selling work out videos. Let me get 5 minutes alone with her.