Janne on video clips

Hi everyone!
I'm new to post here :oops:

I like Warmen as much as (or maybe a little more than) I like CoB.
I have been looking for video clips on which I can see Janne (especially his fingers while he's playing) more than a few second at a time.

Even the Warmen video clips that I can watch on YouTube don't show his hands & fingers very much. It's his band and he's the main guy in it, but they focus on other guys more than Janne! I get frustrated when I watch them.

I also would like to watch him playing the grand piano if (although I know it's not very likely...) such video clips exist.

Could anyone please help me find video clips which would quench my thirst?
I'm glad there's someone who understand my frustration! I think Janne deserves to be under spotlight more than He actually has been.

I've already tried googlevideo (sorry I didn't mention it.) but it's about the same as YouTube... But thanks anyway! :) :)

Yes! "The Clash of the Booze Brothers" on CRY is one of the few clips that I get to have a pretty good view of janne's fingers. I love it! But I want to see others, too, especially Warmen songs, if possible.
I highly doubt that there is any video clips of Warmen playing (well except that Jyrki performance which has already been mentioned) because they don't perform live.
Yeah, I know... it's a sheme that they don't play live. But the clips don't have to be of live performance. Anything done in a studio would be as great and I'd love to watch it.

I agree! And "Confessions" too! I'd love to listen to it without the movie guy's voice on it.

"Someone should take a video cam and a knife and force him to play it."
Haha...I wonder which would work better, a knife or a booze? You live in Finland (Lucky you!), won't you go try it and see if Janne would play it for us?
I had an idea of setting up a cam when me and my brother record the next Warmen and then posting some clips where you can see me recording the actual solos and stuff on the upcoming album. I tought some fans of techinical playing might enjoy this?
Hey, thanks SO much for your reply, Janne!:)
You REALLY made my day -- I never thought this would happen.

Yes, I would (and I'm sure many others, too) most definitely enjoy watching it! And your reply suggests that there will be another WARMEN album in the future? That is something I can really look forward to!!

I simply enjoy and love your keyboard and piano sounds. It's a pure pleasure:)
I had an idea of setting up a cam when me and my brother record the next Warmen and then posting some clips where you can see me recording the actual solos and stuff on the upcoming album. I tought some fans of techinical playing might enjoy this?

Yeah, we might enjoy that for sure! Oh, and hi Janne, welcome back! :)