Janne's keyboard stand?

Lithium said:
Joonas is fucking ugly........
you are so ugly you broke the testube you were conceived in.

ive played a keyboard on vertical stand, its very comfortable when standing and playing. That box is rather tempting though.
CliffBurton said:
you are so ugly you broke the testube you were conceived in.

ive played a keyboard on vertical stand, its very comfortable when standing and playing. That box is rather tempting though.
I want to buy a verticle keyboard stand, but don't feel like ordering from the internet. Maybe i can make the guitar store order it for me:)
Chances are they will anyway.
Most guitar stores here do at least.
My Keyboard is on the way to Burlington Long and McQuade :D

but I dont want to buy a stand. Bucketfool, make me a BOX!!!!