January 2016 fest update


Sep 30, 2005
it has been pretty quiet the past few months...Mike ( odin ) has been working like a madman and soon things will be back to normal. There is a load of stuff happening behind the scenes....

1. Two bands set for second stage.....both US bands...one has a few CD's out and has been around for a while. Traditional metal / US power metal act. The second is a new band with song samples online only. There is one slot left then...I have a few ideas.

2. Mainstage has one band ready to announce once details are ironed out. Newer band that has a great album out.

3. There is like 3 more slots for mainstage still. A few great options to go with...just waiting one big thing to happen...if it does it is something very cool...if not...we have a few back up plans.

4. The full line up should be done by end of the month / mid Feb. Tickets are selling good so if you are waiting...i would not wait to long.

5. For those who missed out on vinyl posters from last year...mike may make more for you guys who want them.
6. Pre party info should also be coming out soon....same location and same time. The Mutiny.
How long do you think tickets will still be available for? I start classes that week, but I realized I might not have classes on Friday, so I'm hoping I can make it. Really want to see Scanner.
are bands still going to overlap this year?

trying not to but I think sadly so....if we tried to not do that we would have to cut down on bands. Plus it is half and half...tons have said they like having the option to watching someone else while another band they don't like playing plays. We are going to mess around with the set times though and see if we can fix it up.