Japanische Kampforspiele - Fertigmensch

Dec 21, 2003
Sudbury, Canada
Japanische Kampfhorspiele – Fertigmensch
Bastardized Recordings - 2003
By Adam McAuley


Ja Ka (abbreviated) play death/grind, but not quite in the same sense as the simultaneously reviewed Commit Suicide. There's more of a pure grind aspect to this band, rather than the strong brutal death metal attributes the latter portrays. There are numerous time changes, but the main portions of each song are much more palatable than those of CS. This is only an MCD and as such is one of those incredibly short, but sweet, experiences.

Electronic samples are occasionally sprinkled in, as well as some odd foreign language moments (see "Scheisse der Lehrer") that will surprise you at unexpected occasions. But the grind sections are all solid, well-played and interesting, and to this alone immense credit must be given due to my general obliviousness towards said genre. At many times everything suddenly halts and completely changes in a few moments, maintaining your interest. On top of that, the gremlin sounding vocalist is varied and compelling. When he reaches the higher registers he sometimes reminds me of Dax Riggs of Acid Bath.

Although not at quite of the same level of precision as Commit Suicide, everything here is indeed quite calculated and rigid, particularly during the mosh-inducing verses. It's odd that such an seemingly obscure band would interest me, but they perform their take on grind so well that you can't help but tip your hat and give credit where it's due. If you're a fan of the genre, this comes highly recommended.


Official Bastardized Recordings website
Official Japanische Kampfhorspiele website