Commit Suicide - Synthetics

Dec 21, 2003
Sudbury, Canada
Commit Suicide - Synthetics
Willowtip Records - 2004
By Adam McAuley


Synthetics can be placed in the death/grind genre, one that is fairly distinct and unoccupied. It's an album that sees Commit Suicide displaying various degrees of musical acrobatics, that are always kept in place by the tight structure of the rhythm section. It isn't particularly melodic, but Synthetics is undeniably effective, especially upon repeated listens, as the elements begin to sink in. Sharded and dissonant guitars converge with drumming to form a dense labyrinth of interesting rhythms and grooves. The majority of the disk takes place at a quick pace, leaving you stunned and trying to grasp what kind of patterns the band are attempting to portray.

Vocalist Scott Evans' grunts and screeches complement the underlying chaos perfectly. But the drummer, Lee Fisher, is the real star of the show. He goes through various insane fills and nimble beat changes, but never allows Commit Suicide to become incomprehensibly chaotic. The band's sound is dense and structured, but technical, lending comparisons to mathematical hardcore acts such as The Dillinger Escape Plan. They don't really resemble them, however, aside from in a couple of traits.

Choosing a favorite track is futile, but it needs to be said that some of the introductions are particularly worthy of merit, because they act as a solid base for the eventual instrumental overlap that will take place. Commit Suicide display a clinical and air-tight nature, but overall I'd situate them somewhat near, perhaps even slightly beyond, the compulsive, jazzy structures of the most recent Cephalic Carnage material. I highly recommend them to fans of that particular band or anyone looking for interesting and unique metal in general.


(9+/10 if you're in the proper mood)

Official Willowtip Website
Official Commit Suicide website