jason and fredy krugger (dunno how the write) will be together in a movie


singing: "We are family"

You're insane! Friday the 13th had some good episodes; Nightmare on Elm Street had its moments; Texas Chainsaw Massacre movies are largely GREAT; Evil Dead; Cremaster; Phantasm; Exorcist; the list goes on and on. I even think Leprechaun is periodically cool.
sorry!! i just meant out of halloween, freddy, and jason. i really didn't mean ALL horror series. but i think, from what i've seen, there's only about one really good movie per series. but i haven't seen some of what you've mentioned.
So then you guys have never seen, Brain Damage, Castle Freak, ReAnimator, From Beyond..etc?

There are some horror movies that deserve mention.
as a younger man, i would ponder the great jason vs freddy conundrum, and my conclusions, at the time, were that freddy didn't stand a chance inside jason's mind.

in fact, would a re-animated force of death even dream?
yes, I fully agree - I think freddy would probably go completely insane if he went in there. Although, and this was a point of great debate, I think the better battle would be jason against michael meyers, or freddy against pinhead & his gang. Now thouse are tough to call, since pinhead has diplayed some chinks in his mental armor at moments.
Jason was just a savage killing machine. Freddy minced around in a not-quite-heterosexual fashion, spouting catchphrases and puns, and molesting children. Growing up I saw all the NIGHTMARE movies and only two FRIDAY ones, but I would still align myself with Jason in this battle royale.
there was a great michael myers vs jason comic battle in an issue of fangoria... culminating in myers exploding into the 1982 THING. cute stuff.

i still pick voorhees, but then again, mr. myers had that telportation thing.

to use xfer's phrase - CENOBITES IN BATTLE ROYALE; chinks in armor or not - they're FROM HELL ITSELF
yes yes they are from hell itself and would most certainly win in the end (i think the truth of the matter is the cenobites would win against pretty much anyone but an elder god, and even then....), but I think that battle would be the most interesting visually. maybe it would have to be a one on one pinhead and freddy - having the other cenobitesw ould make it a fast and abrupt fight to be sure.