Jason Rullo's drums on eBay

This becomes one of the world's greatest questions: to buy the drums, or keep the money you saved for the down payment on your next car.
It isn't necessarily that he needs the money - he needs the space. I don't recall exactly what he said in the eBay listing, but something about two kits and not enough room.

And Thraxz, there's no question. The drums... ;) What do you want a car for? You seen the price of gas lately!?!? :p
Too bad I'm not a drummer...that really rules!

Now, if Pinnella ever decides he's got some spare stuff floating around, that might be a whole other matter... ;)
Now that I think about it, even though I do play drums, Ive been playing for only a year; but im pretty good though..... But still!!!!!
But what if it were Romeo's ESP? Im sure almost everybody on this forum would be all over this thread! (Considering the emmense array of posts in all the guitar/ gear threads.) I would.
I bid on ebay under the name mj_romeo. If the ever decides to shift his gear on ebay, I would gladly reliquish my username if he wants it.
Ehh, not my ideal setup.

Im goin for a Mapex Pro M

(The 8x8 is a free tom from massmusic.net, otherwise it'd be 8x7.)

Need a new snare tho before a full kit.