Jaxx November 21!

Who is going to the Jaxx show? Just curious who we'll see there...I am going with my brother and two of the members of Winterfell http://www.winteriscoming.com, a local PA band in the vein of Iced Earth. We are all new found converts to SymX (well, a year ago...)we saw them with Blind Guardian at Jaxx last year...(my brother figured that he was the only person specifically there to see SymX, the opening band....he got into Blind Guardian through going to the show and liking them) I have been a year-long lurker and am glad to finally join the posting legions of UM!!
Hey, I'm from PA, too. I'm going to the Cleveland show the night after, but not Jaxx... sorry bud. You should go to the Pittsburgh date if you're in PA, then we could hang out and such. I don't know how far of a drive that would be, though. Meh.
Ayreon Guardian X said:
I hope the guys play the Odyssey at the Jaxx show as their encore since they have practiced it...I couldn't make it to ProgPower since I live in York, PA and School had JUST started...one of my dreams would be to see them play that song.
At the Jaxx show in March, Michael Romeo and Michael Pinnella BOTH told me they planned to play "The Odyssey" on their fall tour.
I think you can bank on it.

My dream is to see them play "The Edge Of Forever".:cool:
I'll be there with a few friends. I was at the Guardian show and the one Symphony headlined earlier this year (both terrific). The upcoming Jaxx show has some very good local opening bands so far. If you haven't heard them, check out Brave. They sorta remind me of Lacuna Coil, but a lot less heavy, and more progish.

To play The Odyssey only at ProgPower would be totally unfair...they HAVE to play it on tour. I hope they also do Candlelight. Its awesome on the live album.