jaydub Where Are You?


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Mar 29, 2003
Does anyone know if a guy by the screen name (I think) of Jaydub posts on this board or does anyone know if he's going to PP 5. There are a couple of pics of him in the PP Gallery at PP1. I saw him at PP3 but did not attend PP4. Thanks.
Yep, I'm here.....Haven't been posting much since I wasn't sure if I was going to make it this year. Well, I'm broke as hell, have no business being there, but I'll be there once again due to friends helping me out while I'm in a bind. Flying in from MKE on Thursday.
See you there!

Good to know you're coming. I'm the power metal freak (LOL) that worked at Impulse when you came in. I saw you last at PP3. Staying at the Granada this year, if not make sure you stop by thursday at 4PM at the Granadas fountain where I'm having a meet if you can.

JayDub has to go or he'll get kidnapped & dragged to Atlanta by those of us who couldn't enjoy it without him :)
Yay!!!!!! J-Dub will be there. I'll save ya a seat for PoS (smirk)!!!! Can't wait for the verbal abuse to start :)