jcm 800 bass series??/ guitar through bass amps


New Metal Member
Apr 28, 2004
hello gearheads!! got a strange question for you this time..
-have you ever tried playing guitar through a bass amp?!
i played through a Marshall jcm 800 bass series,which is the mk2 for bass 86 model,it's very rare so there is no information on the web,,it sounds great,(50w tube amp ) loud as hell ,very punchy and fat sounding,i used it with it's original bass cabinet.. the only thing keeping me from spending the ca$H and buying it is the fact that it's a bass amp. will a lead series sound better for guitar?(for metal of course)
hope that you could solve this dilemma,, would really like to post my guitar pics out here with a proper amp :D
thanks for looking !!
Bass amps are fine for a bass(y) rhythm tone, but they do not respond to high frequency signals (leads) well. I used to use a Peavey bass amp with my guitar, but it sounded too raspy so I got a Mesa/Boogie.
I read this post and decided to plug my new 7 string guitar into my old Crate B150 amp, and it sounds pretty damn good. The highs sound pretty awesome for a bass amp - and as far as the low end - it's thundering, as I would have expected. I'm gonna buy a good guitar amp anyway, but I'm kind of interested in seeing if I could by 1 mid-sized bass amp that would be able to work for both my 7 string guitar and my bass...

also own one of these Bass Series amps, mine is 100 watts. It creates thunder! It is very suitable to get an Entombed style guitar sound. I found it to be excellent for guitar but it was too weak to drive my 2x15" EV Mesa/Boogie bass cabinet.....
I use 70s Marshall tube Bass amps for guitar ALL the time, and they sound KILLER!! Especially my 1974 Super Bass into a pair of Marshall 4x12 cabs!

I would suggest using guitar cabinets though, since bass speakers won;t reproduce the higher frequencies.

:headbang: :headbang: :headbang: