JCM900 SL-X Quick Tone Test


Dec 11, 2008
Hey all. Finally got a chance to stick a 57 in front of my 2x12 to capture my newly acquired JCM900 SL-X EL-34 amp. Just upgraded the tubes to JJ EL-84 from the EH that were in it. Still playing around with the tone settings, so this is a quick test with my American Strat and old as shit strings...
First guitar in each case is my Greenback speaker; next guitar that comes in is my V30. I did both the high power and low power settings with the same volume and mic locations.

I think there is too much preamp and maybe a little too bright still and not enuf power amp in the tone (master was on 4 I think) but any comments are welcome...



50W setting

25W setting
Sounds good to me. Tight and dry. Needs to be heard in the context of a mix though.

I was bored.

https://dl.dropbox.com/u/6443251/Sneap Forum Marshall Test Drums.mp3

Wasn't about to retune my guitar to record pitch-shifted bass. :lol:

Thanks man - I am pretty happy at how it is so far... the swap of the power tubes made a huge difference. I also swapped all the preamp tubes for various 12AX7's, 7025 and on the advice of someone from the Marshall forum, put a 5751 in to the PI slot. I am still debating getting a 4x12 loaded with Greenbacks - this amp just really sounds great thru UK Greenies...

Cool quick drums you did there... this is part of an original track of mine. Def will be re-doing the guitars with this new setup and would need to hear this in the context of a mix.