JD right?


Fuck me! Remember back about a month or so ago, when JD posted the thread about my B-Day? He said happy 32nd B-Day? I said JD I'm actually 31?!
I'm not! He was right! I am 32!!!!
here's how I found this out....
I must have been in denial, it wasn't until last night, that I started to think.
The old lady will be 30 on 2.14.05, so I'm two years older than her...
Fuck Me, I'm 32!!!!!
How the hell did I begin to lose track of my own fucking age?!
I can tell you who produced every Motley Crue record, who the engineers where, what years the records came out, what tours I have seen them on & where. But I can't recall how old I am?! Is that useless information or what?!
Fuck Me!
I'm going slightly mad...(Yeah I know that's a Queen song, but I don't know my age....)
sixxswine said:
Fuck Me, I'm 32!!!!!
Fuck Me!
No thanks I pass.

And if you can't remember your age you're either:

a) female
b) senile

We love you Sixx :wave:

P.S I'm 38 and I wish I'll be 20 again...then again not.
Just do what I do when refering to your age. Insisit on using the old Jack Benny line "I'm 29" (although he said 39) Bucause its fun to B.S. yourself into denial.