Rock 'n' Roll 7-11 (JD specific thread)

Dec 3, 2004
Arizona, USA
I found this quote from JD over on the Symphorce boards, regarding his current occupation:

JonnyD said:
I work in a Convenince Store all night 3rd shift. The money sucks and sometimes so do the customers but Damn I do love crankin METAL all night!!! :headbang:

JD, you remind me so much of myself at your age! When I first landed in Phoenix (from rural Idaho) at the ripe old age of 23, I got my first job working graveyard shift at a 7-11 convenience store down by the college in Tempe. My store was known as the "Rock 'n' Roll 7-11" throughout the entire neighborhood! I was always cranking the metal station as the drunks came in to buy their last round of 12-packs and cases, and I always had the trucker's coffee and fountain Mountain Dew (with the syrup turned up) ready for them in the morning. In between time, during my "clean up" hours, I'd turn off the radio and crank Savatage, Queensryche, Fates Warning etc. and do my chores with a groove and a smile. It was a very enjoyable time for me. I met so many cool people and formed friendships that still exist today. I brushed greatness when two members of Flotsam and Jetsom and the starting tight end for the Arizona Cardinals frequented my store. Sure the pay sucks, but being a convenience store clerk is a very fun experience if you land in the right place.

If any of you out there come across a small store clerk who has great music jammin' in the background, let them know you appreciate it. I always enjoyed it when some red-eyed, stumbling, long-hair walked up with his case of Budweiser and told me he liked the tunes. When someone half-assed sober actually complimented me, it was even better!
Sounds like fun! I could use a job like that...I just quit my lame ass excuse for a job today. I will be short on funds till I find myself a new occupation :cry:
As far as I know I have never had anybody Famous in my store .... and if I did they didnt let me in on it hahaha But I do get the entire spectrum of remarks from ppl about the music ... Some Love it and Some really hate it hahaha I am honored to have inspired this thread :D
No famous people in your store, eh? Well, maybe that's because there are no famous people in Vermont. Any state with city names like Buried in Oblivion and Black Sea of Agony probably isn't a popular destination spot for the rich and famous.

NP: Wuthering Heights - To Travel for Evermore
:lol: Wise Ass! ... Rich and Famous ppl do come here its just so damn rural that if you saw em you wouldnt believe it was them ... which ofcourse is why they like it ... as for Black Sea of Agony and the Next town over Buried in Oblivion ... well what can I say I like Living "Where the Slime Live" but I do find myself "Longing for the Woods" When I am in the "Black Water""Somewhere Far Beyond" ... Strange it almost feels like "A Twist of Fate"