Jeff Buckley- Live At Sin-ee ultimate fan exp.. bollox thingy


New Metal Member
Jun 22, 2003
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So i stumbled upon yet another live recording+ rarities Buckley thingy at the store today, anyone heard this, is it worth buying? It was 2 cds plus a dvd and 20-page booklet with pics and interviews and stuff, I guess, for about 30 Euros, which is fair by Danish standards, but I have been burned by a couple of these rob-the-Buckley-grave releases, so I'm trying to make sure. Can anyone help?

I loved "Grace" and "Sketches..." of course and I'm also very satisfied with the "Mystery White Boy" live recording (What will you say is amazing) but that Lucas thingy and "Live from the Bataclan" was unnecessary for me. Hell, i even enjoyed reading that book.
Right allan i downloaded that album the other week , and to be honest i didnt think much of it, i love jeff buckley, but thats not one of the best.
I heard it. Its early stuff, just Jeff with his guitar playing a lot of covers, some chats, some previous versions from Grace, I think it's only interesting for the die-hards. I got pretty bored after a while...
pistol_pete said:
i got a Jeff Buckley DVD called "live in chicago" and its excellent! really worth getting!!
True indeed! I bought it last friday for my girlfriends birthday, not knowing anything about it (pic and sound quality etc). Aah, we were blown away. It was great to see mr. Buckley in action for the first time. :Smokin:
Strangelight said:
Jeff Buckley sucks, period.
Give me Hellhammer anyday FFS!
You fibber, it was you who got me into jeff buckly, then again you did give me the the cd hahaaa mmmm it could mean you never liked him? :Smug:
toolsofthetrade said:
if yer referring to the sakenamed drummer, :D yesh

what drummer? Im taking about Hellhammer (...GODS) here like
how do you mean "real Hellhammer"? :tickled: yeh, i do know them, dont worry :D hear the track too, but i wasnt rally into Samael by then...
still dont like that old stuff to be honest
HH were on my very first metal tape a mate gave me when i was 14 or sth...
it had early Entombed, Nocturnus, Venom and Morbid Angel on it. like 12 yrs ago

fook now i feel old. :cry:
christ, i am old! o_O thats basically what i already do... whinging around in beardsome pubs, singing along with forgotten songs, trying to forget tomorrow and all thats happened :p