Jerry Cantrell With The Cardboard Vampyres


You'll Be in Hell With ME
Nov 23, 2002
Well here i sit again at 2:17 am i just got home the Slims(the same place Helmet played) after seeing Jerry Cantrell and the Cardboard Vampires. They played Cover songs ranging from AC-DC to The Beatles... Helter-Skelter. Yes 2 Alice and Chains songs and since Billy Duffy from the Cult is in the Band 2 Cult songs. I will Post pictues later. I did not take any but Deadlyembrace did so when there up i will post them here..... I wanted to go see UFO playing across town but...... Shit happens.....
Ok this is on the SFMETAL board , i am too lazy today so i am posting this instead.......

Well it was Friday night & I really just wanted to stay home & watch my 3 hour pecial on Alexander The Great that I Tivo'd last week......But I got a phone call & had the oppurtunity to see The CardBoard AllStar Lineup, that plays Cover Songs from the past......David Pigg(Testament Soundman from the past, & I think their best ever) was in town, doing thier sound.....So I called Drea.....knowing how much she loves Jerry Cantrell(and so do I)....She was so excited, & had already been drinking, so I went out of my way, to make her happy......And I called Thrax at the last minute cause we had a extra ticket & pass.....So the 3 of us set of for the Big City......Now once inside, I saw Craig Locicero(Forbidden) & wife his wife Alice(who had a baby boy, recently), and Chuck Billy, so I snapped a photo.......Besides Jerry Cantrell....there was Billy Duffy(The Cult guitarist)......and the singer for Motley Crue when Vince left, named John Corabi......Now they played songs from 80's mostly classics......a couple AC/DC, Thin Lizzy, Metallica(Seek 'N Destroy).....amoung others....and highlights included 2 from Jerry's Alice In Chains songs(Angry Chair, & Them Bones)......And 2 from Billy's The Cult(Love Removal & The Rain).......Anyway a mellow Rock night in a club, on a Friday night.....And I got some good Photo's to share if you like Jerry as much me.....









