Jerry Cantrell


May 20, 2002
Rhode Island, USA
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last night was the 2nd time ive seen him solo and he is absolutely amazing live. The band is so tight and they sound perfect!
Great show all around, if you get a chance to see him play.
Heres a great story to make you laugh.
Some shem was trying to sell tickets and he actually walked up to Cantrell himself as Jerry was walking into the club and asked him! LOL
Jerry just kept walking and I said "hey man, you just asked Jerry Cantrell if he wanted to buy a ticket" This guys jaw dropped and we all had a good laugh at his expense.:lol::lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Haha...funny story.
I saw him for the first time in May. It was kind of hard to get into the music because he played a lot of stuff off of 'Degradation Trip' which wasn't out yet. There were a lot of dumb fucks who were there to see Nickleback who didn't even know who Jerry Cantrell was. I had to tell them some shit so they would shut up. I left after Jerry played, hehe.
I saw Jerry Cantrell live at Irvine Meadows in 98. You are right! They are a very TIGHT band. I was floored by how well they played. Also, that black keyboardist, Sorry, I wish I knew his name, was fkg. hot too! I was so impressed. They played Dark Side of The Moon. Now that was something else. Good memories. Thanks for digging them up again for me! :)
Well, the band as I said was incredibly tight! I had seen them the last time they were here about a year ago. I'm not a big AIC fan, but they did play a few songs. Last time they did more. They jammed a bunch of songs from the new record, which all sounded great! I think threy did like 2 from his 1st solo album. The AIC songs were Man in the Box (my least fav), Down in the Hole (dedicated to Layne) and they ended with my fav AIC tune - Angry Chair!
I think they did one more Dirt song, I cant remember now. I do know last year they played a few more AIC tunes.
Anyway, hope this helps