Jesper`s new side project with...


No rules in metal
Nov 19, 2006
...ex-Sonic Syndicate vocalist Roland Johansson. So what are you up to?
Roland Johansson: You know I stood you up on an earlier occasion, the reason was that I wanted to check before I went public. I got a really interesting thing coming up. Me and Jesper Strömblad from IN FLAMES are going to do a record together and that's what I have been doing lately. So I can assure you all that there will be some kick ass stuff coming along. The plan is to record the album in the beginning of next year. Do you have any project name for it yet?
Roland Johansson: Well we have a few, just haven't figured out which one yet. What will it sound like?
Roland Johansson: Well... You know the stuff I have been doing in SONIC SYNDICATE and Jesper Strömblad being a part of IN FLAMES will give you a hint. To be honest with you we don't really know exactly how it will turn out yet. It's too fresh, you know. It won't be just screams, that's for sure. No melody and I get bored. You just have to wait and see. Do you have plans on taking it out on the road?
Roland Johansson: Sure, we will perform live, not being out on the road like SONIC SYNDICATE, 'cause that's why I quit, you know, but we will definitely play live.
...ex-Sonic Syndicate vocalist Roland Johansson. So what are you up to?
Roland Johansson: You know I stood you up on an earlier occasion, the reason was that I wanted to check before I went public. I got a really interesting thing coming up. Me and Jesper Strömblad from IN FLAMES are going to do a record together and that's what I have been doing lately. So I can assure you all that there will be some kick ass stuff coming along. The plan is to record the album in the beginning of next year. Do you have any project name for it yet?
Roland Johansson: Well we have a few, just haven't figured out which one yet. What will it sound like?
Roland Johansson: Well... You know the stuff I have been doing in SONIC SYNDICATE and Jesper Strömblad being a part of IN FLAMES will give you a hint. To be honest with you we don't really know exactly how it will turn out yet. It's too fresh, you know. It won't be just screams, that's for sure. No melody and I get bored. You just have to wait and see. Do you have plans on taking it out on the road?
Roland Johansson: Sure, we will perform live, not being out on the road like SONIC SYNDICATE, 'cause that's why I quit, you know, but we will definitely play live.

Well as a hardcore fan of IF, and I think Sonic is great, I'm definitely looking forward to it :) Roland has a unique voice and I'm sure it will be great and atleast satisfy me.
Guess rehab didn't work.
Care to elaborate on such statement, or were you just trying to be awesomely funny? I can see that you don't like Roland Johanssons ofcourse, but who cares what a musician has as side project? And this is probably Jespers way of making the rehab, writing new music. As long as he isn't fucking writing Singer/Songwriter music I don't care what genre he is writing for. It's not affecting you in any way so I don't see why you are bashing.
:D calm down cholo, bashing is the norm here. I honestly don't care what Jesper does with himself.