Jesus christ, BX8a price nosedive on ebay


Feb 20, 2005
Given my limited finances and the fact that no motherfucking credit card company will give me an increase on my limit, I've been forced to reign in my gear desires somewhat. I originally wanted ADAM A7's (and still do), but when I see M-Audio BX8a's (the originals, not the deluxes) on ebay brand new for around $250 PER PAIR, well, fuck, it's pretty hard to pass up. Just thought I'd spread the word.
I demoed those monitors at Guitar Center and they had the WORST sound I've ever heard from speakers. I think I had a set of $20 2.1 Altec Lansings that had better high end response.

Of course, it was guitar center, so take that with a grain of salt
Really? I'm not expecting them to be amazing, but a lot of people here have them and love 'em, and they've gotta be better than what I'm using now (these babies :D)
But dude -- That is one SERIOUS Stereo speaker system! :worship:

It'll be an improvement but honestly I'd just save my pennies and get something nice. I've got a pair of Event ASP6, I bought the pair for $650 used but a day or two after that, all the retails cut their prices a LOT on these, and now they go for $400 or so used all the time. I like them a lot.
Worst? Seriously was you GC only stocked with high end monitors because they are far from the worst. Your not looking for "pretty" in a monitor your looking for honest. For the price the BX8a monitors are pretty honest. Everything that I have done has translated well so far.

Oh and the reason for the price tank is the new model has come out. You can get a new set at MF for $300 right now, plus there is a 15% off code for shit over $100 (see other thread).
when i used my bx8a's they did work well, give a little time to learn them and for the price its hard to beat, as long as your have your room acoustics in order they will translate well.
Another BX8a owner here. And while these things aren't anything great, for the dollars they do the job well. These were my first monitors, and really helped in learning how to listen in a mix. As mentioned, you really need to understand the sound of your room and tweak the monitors if needed - but for that money, you can't beat them. I've since upgraded to a pair of JBL LSR4328s, but still use by BX8a monitors to A/B on.
Uh...yeah I picked up a pair of BX8as a while back for $250 or $275 new at GC...they aren't bad at all really. My mixes have improved quite a bit since I have gotten them. I still A/B with my high end stereo, but the BX8as have definitely been nothing but good so far. My mixes translate better than they ever have, from my home, and I'm finally happy with the low end on my mixes. I've worked with a lot of top notch monitors before, and I have to say that I was not disappointed with these. They met my expectations and more...didn't expect much from them but a lot of people were praising them so when I saw the price I said "fuck it". I'm really glad I bought them. Shane (Kazrog) and I agree, having experience with Genelec 1031s, that to be *quite* honest, the 1031s aren't all that much better, and they were $1,600 for each monitor last I checked. YMMV.

Oh and GuitarGodgt is correct, M-Audio is just slashing the price so that they can sell the new BX8a Deluxes at the BX8a's original price.

You'd have to buy far more expensive speakers to get anything as good or better than the BX8as. I used to have Events, and they were awful and cost more.