Jesus/"Virgin" Mary/Everything that's holy - phobia


Holy shit.
Aug 27, 2002
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Anybody else has this? I don't feel comfortable at all being around items that have anything to do with jesus or any of that crap. If there's a picture of him or his momma in the same room I'm in for example, I freak out... In my aunt's house, she has a picture of jesus's mommy holding him and I was sitting on a chair and I felt mary from the picture was looking at me and I got so uncomfortable that I had to get up and turn the picture the other way so I couldn't see her eyes anymore.
If you make me wear a cross I'll go fucking nuts with that thing hanging around my neck.
One summer I was on vacation with my cousins and we were on this island sightseeing and there was this famous church or whatever and everybody went in to see it, but I couldn't even find the courage just to go through the door and take a peek.
Am I the antichrist?
Err, seems not. :guh: Despite your efforts, here is one big :tickled:
Try entering the catholic church, you'll get the pic of what Sat. is capable of doing....
I used to wear cross normally and reverted one, :eek:, nothing happened... except that my life is an episode of Twilight Zone. :D
relax, bite some chips.
Originally posted by Guerrilla
Am I the antichrist?


... things like going into churches, looking at pictures of jesus, crosses, drinking holy water, dont bother me.. they're just symbols that have religious meaning to them if you feel like putting religious meaning into them... i dont bother jesus so he doesnt bother me... i'm tight with the j-man...
Guerilla, I think you should relax a little. I shouldn't be talking because lately I've been the same way: I detest Christianity. What sucks about that is that there's a thin line between love and hate, dig? I'll never forget all the lies though, never.
Nevermore26, thank you for listening to the coolest European band ever, I thought I was alone on this planet in my gratitude for their existence.
Tee, gorgeous, lovely, bodacious, uh, translation for the unilanguals?
I for one, feel incredibly sad that, IMHO, masses and masses of people are reduced to sheep to an invisible "deity" in the sky.

For me, the idolatry of statues and pictures is just as saddening. That's just my opinion. I've always been uncomfortable around items of that nature.
Despite my attempts at being open-minded toward Christianity,I just can't seem to be,and I'm sorry to whoever I am offending by saying this,because I seem to be offending and pissed off a whole lot of ppl.Of course,I don't really see why it's so "horrible" that I don't accept Christianity/God fearing religions yet it's no big deal if anyone offends me by making some comment like "All athiests should be shot for not beliving in God." But,anyway...even if Gurrilla was being sarcastic about the whole religion-phobia thing..well,I "identify" with it pretty much.I honsetly feel physically ill,to the point of vomiting at times,when I am in a church.Especially when it's at some type of funeral/ baptism when there's all of that talk about being "God's children" or about "God's kingdom,"etc.I don't know,maybe it's becasue I associate that all w/my several years of Catholic upbringing and all of the arguments I've gotten into about religion.Or these are just places that I'd definatley not want to be in/get out of as quickly as possible.And ppl like my parents thik it's so awful that I am "disrespecting" this religion thing by simply not wanting to be around anything having anything to do with it.Yet it's no big deal when they or their friends make fun of the music I listen to...just things that I don't get and when I try to get a better understanding of them,I ultimatley regret it.
I can and have been in a church a couple of times in the past few years, but I don't like it. A funneral here and a wedding there is about it though. My parents have x-ian crap all over their house and it doesn't freak me out any. I hate what it represents though. Agnostic and proud! :D

Even if guerrilla's just fucking,I said my opinion on the topic and whoever reads it can take my words for what they are no matter if the topic was made to be serious or not.Though I believe I've expressed my opinion on this kind of thing so many times that I don't think anyone really cares to hear it anymore. Bitching about religion has just become a darkspot trademark.
Guerrilla man, are you going to continue to make threads like this and like the Baphomet one? It's funny right now, but I am starting to get tired of it already, but it is still funny.
Yes,writing essays bitching about religion...THAT is the darkspot trademark.But,you think that was an essay,Penguin?You obviously haven't read some of my other posts bitching about religion.
No,Amos...I said eh,not aye...definatley not aye.Yeah,I write essays in person,too,as Amos will tell you.