Jewel Case Version

Done - ordered! Thanks! He has to be the only one online who has it. That's very cool! Thanks again!
does anyone know if the jewel case comes with a black cd or the current menstrual one??

It comes with a slightly different version of the "menstrual, " :lol: one. It is the same design, just does not use "full color," just red and black - the SX logo and "eye" is the disc surface showing through.

I hope that helps!?
Ah, I almost forgot, when you open the case and filp it over you get the whole panoramic view of the "Paradise Lost" artwork, something sorely missed (by me) with the digi. But the digi is still cool (I have a few). Great collector item, but now I can take my PL in its jewel case all over and not worry about bending the little flames! :)

As far as I can tell, the jewel case is only available as an import - but you can get one from for only $15. They are really fast in processing and shipping orders...I ordered 3 jewel versions and got them in 2 days! They appear to be the only online place selling the jewel.

Thanks again for all the help.
Jewel case is all we get in Australia yes? Looks like I'll be visiting JB this week.

I was afraid that diecut would be weak and flimsy.
I have the jewel case edition as well. It's beyond my comprehension as to why anyone would want a "digipak" version of anything. Those things are pure crap.
all I've found of PL here in Aus so far is the jewel case version.. i actually would prefer the digi I think..

No you wouldn't...especially when the glue starts unsticking, or the tray becomes unstuck from the backing, or because of having to deal with those damn tentacle thingies every time you want to play the CD.

Granted, it's a nice collector's item (I have one), but it's not something that holds up well with day-to-day use! It's like having an LP. It's something nice to have and to look at, but not to actually "use."

Nonetheless, if you want one, you can get them almost anywhere now. Here are some places:,, or

Good luck!
I bought the jewel cased CD, imported it into iTunes and noticed the front artwork was different to the artwork iTunes extracts from the web. I vaguely remember someone mentioning differing artwork a while ago. Good to see that cheesy sanskrit in the rock was removed for the final print :)