something like this.. yes I always have an umbrella when I'm on top of a cloud :D
FUCK YOU! why does everybody call me cute:erk: I'm a psychotic weirdo guy who enjoys threatening to put an axe in ones head, talks excessively, listens to children of bodom and has very very very smooth hair. Care to comment without any use of the word cute?

:cry: Thank you :Smug: OK so you are damn ugly, eww shit, I don't want to see a picture of you cuz I will die :erk: Are you happy now?

hmm seriously...the south park is cute itself..but as I can see you don't want to be attractive, but just bad.
i'll make another one.


and I made some more:

Jesper Stromblad


Jerry Cantrell

Johan Hegg(Amon Amarth,geniuses:p )
So, you yell and bitch and moan when someone makes a black slur, yet you can make a jewish slur?

Actually lmao, I am retarded cause I didn't even realize that was its derrivitive. I just saw his nickname as 'Jewnass' and didn't even realize that it was refering to that. But for the record, the 'n' word is worse than 'jew'. Much worse. But regardless, um, sorry?? :confused:
Actually lmao, I am retarded cause I didn't even realize that was its derrivitive. I just saw his nickname as 'Jewnass' and didn't even realize that it was refering to that. But for the record, the 'n' word is worse than 'jew'. Much worse. But regardless, um, sorry?? :confused:

they are words, they have no power unless you put power behind it. when used as a hurtful way, all words have meaning, you worthless piece of scum fucking maggot shit.* <----see, that was directed at you. Generically, my pals, kike wop, kraug, dike, and other things like that are meaningless, and have NO power. And considering you use the word faggot in this way, i suggest you either put your money where your mouth is, and stop saying faggot, or learn to accep that they are just words.

*used to illustrate a point, not attack you.