Jhva Elohim Meth


Bloody android from Hell
Apr 15, 2004
what does Jhva Elohim Meth means? and in which languaje?...sweden?
Fuck, I live in Israel and I have never noticed that Elohim=God And Meth=Death.
Jhva=יהוה, That is a name for god at the bible.
Jhva Elohim Meth
יהוה אלוהים מת
Lion in a Cage said:
It means "truth" or "real" I guess. I'm not entirely sure though, I'm not jewish and I don't speak hebrew. These are just some words I happen to know.
And Emeth - Emet - אמת is True/Truth.
dead inside said:
Meth= Death in Arabic ???? i never heard a word like it.
I guess it isn't used in all dialects. I at least know that it is used in the dialect of the city I'm from, named "Mardin"(in Mesopotamia, Turkey, near the Syrian border). Although I don't speak Arabic, most people in my family does(we could even be called a tribe, as we are a family of about 5000 or more people, actual sum being unknown), yet they can understand little to none from the speech of most other Arab countries. Oher Arabs can usually understand most of our speech though.