Jim Sheppard to undergo surgery to remove benign brain tumor...


Mar 18, 2002
Not sure if anyone else saw this on BM:

Blabbermouth said:
Bassist Jim Sheppard of Seattle metallers NEVERMORE will undergo surgery today (Wednesday, February 16) to remove a benign brain tumor. The band's vocalist, Warrel Dane, says, "Please, all metalhead brothers and sisters, send your positive energy for our brother."

Get well soon Jim!!!
Do they already have a replacement for him for tour?
Sorry, I don't really keep up with this band.

My mother had a craniotomy a few years back, and there would have been no way that he would be able to tour by May.
Yes they do. Her name is Dagma (sp?), yes her, and not only is she good on bass, but she's pretty hot too. She's played with Nevermore before, and played with them on the cruise. Jim only played the Sanctuary sets. I told a friend that Jim did not look good at all, and this probably explains it. I believe he also has Crohn's Disease. I remember James McDonough from Iced Earth and Megadeth filled in for him awhile sometime back. Prayers out to Jim! :kickass:
I talked to Jim last night for a good half hour or so after he had checked into his hospital room, and he seemed in really good spirits. He was very hopeful for the procedure and said that he would get word to me after it was done to let me know the outcome, and I'll be sure to pass it on to all of you. As for a replacement, their merch girl is Dagna, and she plays bass in Warrel's solo band. She has taken over for Jim on a few occasions when needed, and am sure she would again if needed, but Jim said that with the surgery happening this soon, that there is a good chance that he will be out on the road with them on the Sym X tour. Obviously he won't make Europe next week (didn't ask him who would be playing in his place there, I assume Dagna), but he seemed very optimistic about making the April/May tour. As for him having Crohn's disease, he does indeed, and has been battling it for roughly 20 years.
Jim just called me, said things went great, that he just wanted to call everyone and let them know that he made it with flying colors, but will probably never be able to eat sushi again, because they showed him a picture of what the tumor looked like, bwhaha. He seemed very coherent, and definitely not like he had his head cut open yesterday.