
That's cool how we react when we find something that's been eluding us for so long. I have a few wraith's of my own. I have been looking for Possessed's Eyes Of Horror since cd's came out (oops, just dated myself!)... I've already added the first two of their albums to my collection, but the last one...

I have a few others in case anybody happens to know where to find this one:
Eric Gale - Touch Of Silk
Originally posted by HippieOfDoom

I have a few others in case anybody happens to know where to find this one:
Eric Gale - Touch Of Silk

Hi Steve!
Check out these: (used vinyl versions, good condition)

I've been unable to find a CD version.
Apparently it doesn't even exist.
Maybe some rare japanese edition, but
I couldn't find it, nor some mp3 files on Audiogalaxy.

your professional power finder,
if you want to know where you would get possessed´s the eyes of horror come to helsinki (finland), in spine center are a possessed cd including the eyes of horror and beyond the gates... i have the first album (seven churches)... my favorites are pentagram, evil warriors and DEATH METAL!
Originally posted by HippieOfDoom
Would you believe me if I told you that I listen to that cd, Gambale/Hamm/Smith - Show Me What You Can Do cd everyday?


It's an awesome performance.
"The Light Beyond" CD has the same band...
check it out...

Have you heard the Vital Tech Tones's VTT2?
They have the same drummer, but with Henderson/Wooten.
a killer one!!

Originally posted by HippieOfDoom
I've had those other cd's for a while as well. Love them too!
Ever heard of Cosmosquad?

Just checking them out... Nice latin vibe in the first song.
Kind of Santana playing with you... hehe
(it would be something to be heard).
Do you know Horacio "El Negro" Hernandez?
Awesome latin drummer. He plays with Santana.

Have you heard the last Niacin CD (Time crunch)?
Another real good one by Sheehan/Chambers/Novello.
They did a cool cover of King Crimson's Red.

In a more jazzy area, there's an album I like a lot,
titled "Wind from the south" (Verve) by Claudia Acuna.
She's been called the new promise of vocal jazz,
given her warm and clean voice. The album also features
a very good acoustic bass player named Avishai Cohen,
who is now playing with Chick Corea. Check it out.

Originally posted by HippieOfDoom
The only Niacin disc I have is the one where they did Birdland. I saw them play a year ago in LA and Sheehan...well, he rules the planet!

Fuck Sheehan.I went to see Steve Vai play purely because BIlly was playing and he did'nt even do anything cool.
Granted,Vai may have wanted all the applause for himself,it was frustrating as all hell.
On a related note,Steve Vai is a dull,dull player.
Is technicality AND taste too much to ask for?
Don't fuck Sheehan to spite Vai.
On a parallel occurance: I never thought much of Stu Hamm, just never got around to checking out his stuff. So my first opportunity was at a Satriani concert. Well, I felt the same about Hamm after that show as you did about Sheehan after the Vai show. And then I saw Hamm play clinics, solo gigs, and finally the masterpiece that is Gambale/Smith/Hamm - Show Me What You Can Do. Now I'm very inspired by the Stu man. He's one of the best in the world man, trust me. Same for Sheehan. But that night you saw him he played what all us bass players have to play - what it calls for. Maybe during Vai he wasn't allowed to go off. Because in Niacin he rules the planet. And remember I'm an old guy, I got to hear Talas when they first came out in the early 80's and he was doing stuff back then nobody could figure out.
There's no Sheehan vs. Hamm thing here. But I'll tell you what. There's a lot of nice note placement between the two of them. In other words - ruling!!!
Originally posted by HippieOfDoom
Don't fuck Sheehan to spite Vai.
But I'll tell you what. There's a lot of nice note placement between the two of them. In other words - ruling!!!

Haha.Yeah.Fair enough.I've heard some fairly crazy shit from Sheehan alright but the guy uses scalloped frets.Between that,his whammy bar and fondness for distortion,you occasionally have to question what instrument he originally took up...
Have you heard of Bill "The Buddha" Dickens?Hes the only player I've heard who (Technically) makes Wooten look like a chump.
He plays a 9 string occasionally.Crazy fucker.
Also,as far as these solo players go,I give my vote to Manring.
I've yet to hear Manring play anything as cool as THAT bassline from Nothing Is Everything!
That line has infinite power,Steve.
Originally posted by HippieOfDoom
Don't ever put me in the same post as Sheehan, Wooten, Dickens and Manring again..!

Like it or not man,there are people who hold you on a higher pedastal.
These guys can play their asses off but some people (*Cough*me*Cough*) find endless soloing rather dull.I love being a bassplayer but despite Wooten's wishes,I'd rather not see it become "As musical an instrument as a Piano".
Meaning its meant to be an accompaniment,not a 12 song solo instrument.Could you honestly say you could sit through "A Show Of Hands" without being bored silly?
There is progression and there is pretension.
Originally posted by LordFireworm

These guys can play their asses off but some people (*Cough*me*Cough*) find endless soloing rather dull.I love being a bassplayer but despite Wooten's wishes,I'd rather not see it become "As musical an instrument as a Piano".
Meaning its meant to be an accompaniment,not a 12 song solo instrument.Could you honestly say you could sit through "A Show Of Hands" without being bored silly?
There is progression and there is pretension.

My two cents:

I agree with you:
Endless soloing is boring, no matter the instrument. With very rare exceptions (J.S.Bach probably, 2 centuries ago). Hundreds of guitar solos to count on this area.
Music is about expression. It's not about fast chops nor complex techniques, which may be part of music but no the only thing.

I disagree with you:
A bass player should be a musician, who happens to play bass lines. Bass lines are the knot between rhythm, harmony and melody support. You may choose to stay low and be just that. But as music progresses, we've seen bass lines can be more interesting if they take a more melodic twist. Jazz has lots of examples of this.
On electric bass, starting with Jaco, going on with Wooten, and many others in between, there's a chance to use the bass guitar not just as an instrument to play bass lines, but also melodic lines, in different moments or, as Wooten shows, at the same time, with a style that is interesting and unseen before on bass (Stanley Jordan does it on guitar, and all the good chapman stick players in the world do).
So don't confuse his melodic playing in the bass (which is amazing, and I enviously admire) with just bass playing. He's choosing being a musician who plays bass, rather than being just a bass player.
And this is an expansion in the use of the instrument. A path of evolution you may take or not. Your choice.

Originally posted by hakkikt

ISo don't confuse his melodic playing in the bass (which is amazing, and I enviously admire) with just bass playing. He's choosing being a musician who plays bass, rather than being just a bass player.
And this is an expansion in the use of the instrument. A path of evolution you may take or not. Your choice.


But as much as Wooten is a musician and all,the fact is that he is still playing a bass.Now,trust me,I play bass and I understand the musical thing.I have a similar approach about getting the most from my bass.That should be understood.
However,bass just does'nt have the musical range of most instruments.It does'nt.Piano and guitar both have a high and low end.Now I know bass has a G but the difference between the E and G on bass simply is'nt as significant (Pitch wise) and the difference on a guitar between the highest and lowest string or a Piano with keys.
Like I said,go back and listen to "A show of hands",he maybe a musician but how many of those songs sound the same?ALOT.
I prefer what someone like Steve is doing.He is pushing the instrument within a respective genre.I dont want to label him as just being a metal player because I'm sure he can do more but hearing him do crazy shit over heavy,distorted guitar chords impresses me more then another soloist reciting famous piano pieces with tapping.
Its all opinon.I'll stick to my guns and I'm sure you'll stick to yours.
How the fuck can you diss Sheehan? And how can you compare Manring, Wooten, Sheehan and everybody else to DiGiorgio? They are ALL fucking monsters behind the bass...so you can´t compare ´em. There is no "best bassplayer in the world". There are too many greats and ...well, that´s the way it is!

Steve - you are extreme and you know it!! And Manring is extreme hand HE knows it...and so on and so on....

Fuck this discussion. It only pisses me off
Originally posted by HippieOfDoom
You forgot about the beer.

BEER!! and FUN and , to quote Mille Petrozza (Kreator), any "substance that can make us fly without fear". :) (great verse)

Originally posted by LordFireworm

However,bass just does'nt have the musical range of most instruments.It does'nt.Piano and guitar both have a high and low end.Now I know bass has a G but the difference between the E and G on bass simply is'nt as significant (Pitch wise) and the difference on a guitar between the highest and lowest string or a Piano with keys.

Sorry for my comment format, I didn't mean to sound that categorical but more of a personal opinion.

Also, I don't want to start a holy war about who's best or has better techniques, because it's nonsense.

And I should stop sniffing any white powder I find anywhere... hehe.

Anyway. Yeah, I'm also in the continuous process of learning to play bass and I know what you mean.
I know the bass has a limited range so it's difficult to do a really good job keeping the ear interested.
As the old joke goes about only thing worse than drum solo is bass solo. (we should keep working to erase that comment)
I happen to like that album (A show of hands), and I was kind of pissed by your comment.
But after some reflection, I understand you may not like his music (or that particular work)
or you may not be impressed by any of Wooten's techniques.
But I feel there's some undeserved lack of respect to him and his works in your comments.
I do consider there's something interesting and inspired in that album.
Something i hadn't hear before, and I find it valuable and doesn't bore me (again, personal opinion, not dogmatic truth).
I sustain solo albums are usually boring. Pick your favorite artist solos, group them in one CD. Try to listening twice. :)
As I keep saying: Just opinions.. But, with respect.

Originally posted by Diabolical
How the fuck can you diss Sheehan? And how can you compare Manring, Wooten, Sheehan and everybody else to DiGiorgio? They are ALL fucking monsters behind the bass...so you can´t compare ´em. There is no "best bassplayer in the world". There are too many greats and ...well, that´s the way it is!

Fuck this discussion. It only pisses me off

This final note I agree completely. Music is not competition.
There's no best bass player nor musician. (This should be common sense)
Just people with musical talent who works hard and shows inspired moments,
and we should be happy to be able to appreciate them.
