Job for a Cowboy


New Metal Member
Jun 18, 2007
Check out the latest album from Job for a Cowboy entitled Genesis. They are a hardcore death-metal band from Arizona, and their latest effort, which is in-stores now, is top notch.
It's definitely not bad, they just need to focus on making less generic death metal. Genesis is a pretty enjoyable listen at times.

But their Doom EP nibbles ass.
I doubt I will ever listen to them just based on their name. That's just dumb, and unworthy. Am I being narrowminded? Yes, but they were dumb to go with that name, so that's what they get. Maybe the emo kids will try then out, or Dave Matthews fans.
I have to admit, I bought into the whole crappy name, MySpace crappy band idea. But then I gave them a chance and listened to some of their stuff, and it does kick ass. Go listen to it! It's about time some good new Death Metal bands came out.
It's pretty ok but has very one dimensional vocals and it's pretty generic.

At least with Doom era JFAC it had 3 different types of vocals.

The vocalist needs to bring back the high/mid vocals. No I'm not talking about the pig squeels, the other vocals.
JFAC is one of those shitty gay myspace bands, that pollute the world when they say they are metal.
There's no way I am missing out. I have so much music right now that I don't have time to listen to it. Unless it's rivaling Atheist or Sceptic or Death, then I don't need another "good" DM band to sift through.

Nothing personal
Why would it be personal? It's just a band after all... "Differant folks, differant strokes"
Job for a cowboy is a very talented band, good vocals good drums and very fast tastfull guitar. Those who critisize them never present an arguement. Its just the typical "this band sucks ass!"
Pleople never say why they dislike them, they just do.I can admit the pig squeals and breakdowns of doom got anoying but Genesis doesnt have them. Genesis is pure death metal. None of the deathcore shit. So for all those who judged them by their ep,
get them another listen,open up your closed minds and see what you think.
Genesis is death metal, but it's generic is the problem. It might be good if you feel like listening to some straight up death metal, but it offers nothing more than that. Even then, there are tons of better death metal bands out there.

And I agree that the name engulfs dick like a whale.