Job offer: Drum editing, 5 songs


Apr 12, 2002
Cambridge, Ontario, Canada
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Busy as fuck right now, was planning to edit these tracks myself but might want to outsource it. Budget isn't great, but maybe someone is willing to help out (hell I probably taught you how to edit drums anyways, whoever you are who ends up editing!)

5 tracks, all between 3 and 4 minutes long.

On the technical scale, if 1 is AC/DC and 10 is Necrophagist, they are about a 5 or 6, no blasts or anything but some fancy kick work and fills here and there.

If people could PM me with quotes and links to a sample or two that would be great. Feel free to post in this thread if you think anyone else might see it and vouch for your work, references would mean a lot! I'm a little nervous about not doing it myself, heh...