Job offer: Re-amping and mastering for a 4 track ep


Jan 11, 2009
Brisbane, Australia
hey guys.

well first off my band is about to start recording a 4 track e.p to be recorded and mixed by me. We are a Melodic Death metal band from Brisbane, Australia called Through Plagues( )

What we do need is someone to reamp all the guitars aswell as someone to master the finished mixes.

so here is my offer. thirst/D.I Tracks- Funeral Thirst.rar

This folder contains 4 D.I guitar tracks(2 Left and 2 Right. clearly labelled in high quality wav. format) of the song Funeral Thirst by the Black Dahlia Murder. Reason for this is that our band has alot of the same style as tbdm and I havent recorded D.I's to any of ours songs yet. Unfortunatley there is no bass track(sorry)

D.I's= Shecter Demon 6 FR--> countryman 85--> mbox mini 2.

here is the main drums track- everything except kick. thirst/Drums for D.I.mp3

and here is the kick separetly thirst/Kick for D.I.mp3

All I am wanting at this current time is peoples interest in this project by sending us their re-amps for comparison as well as your rates for the services. any of the dudes who offer mastering aswell it would be great to hear from you.(would prefer guys who use some outboard gear and are experienced in this field compared to using ozone. so as usual a list of your work and gear would be great)

Would be great if we could get some kind of discounted mastering and reamping bundle through someone too if anyone offers that kind of thing.

To hear what 2 of our songs sound like listen here:

we want to hear what everyone can do so even if you wanna just reamp for fun post your tracks here for reference and listening.

I'll give this a shot on Friday or Saturday or so. I have no time until the weekend.

You can check my myspace for samples. My most recent work is Erase your Memory on there. Also, you can go to The Empire Shall Fall's myspace to hear my guitar tones on their latest LP, which is going to be released in about a week (they even sound good through myspace compression :goggly:)
I could give the reamping a shot if you like. Let me know if you are interested.

EDIT: I will do a sample tomorrow anyway and PM you the link.

I'll give this a shot on Friday or Saturday or so. I have no time until the weekend.

You can check my myspace for samples. My most recent work is Erase your Memory on there. Also, you can go to The Empire Shall Fall's myspace to hear my guitar tones on their latest LP, which is going to be released in about a week (they even sound good through myspace compression :goggly:)

fans of both your work so more than happy to wait:kickass:

plus the recording isn't going to start for sometime but we are getting EVERYTHING prepared for it so when it comes to mixing and so fourth everything is already organised.